Pubdate: Tue, 26 Jul 2005
Source: Journal Standard, The (Freeport, IL)
Copyright: 2005 The Journal Standard
Author: Travis Morse


Vogt, Appointed In 2004, Says He Will Continue Fight Against Drug Dealers

FREEPORT - Stephenson County State's Attorney John Vogt announced 
Monday that he will run to keep his job in the 2006 election.

If elected, he said he will continue cracking down on drug dealers, 
bring increased attention to crime victims, and expand his public 
speaking program.

"It was certainly a privilege to be selected as state's attorney," 
Vogt said in a written statement. "I have tried to continue the high 
standards of performance and dedication of my predecessor, Michael 
Bald. I have been blessed with a committed staff of attorneys and 
paralegals, which has made the transition as smooth as possible."

Vogt was appointed state's attorney in December 2004 from a field of 
eight candidates. He was selected by County Board Chairman John Blum, 
with the assistance of an advisory panel of local experts.

Vogt replaced Bald, who was appointed associate circuit judge.

Vogt said he "loves" his job as state's attorney. Considering the 
significant time commitment involved in being state's attorney, it's 
it's important that the person in that office enjoys the work, Vogt said.

"I really believe you have to like to do this job," Vogt said. "From 
my perspective, I think we've been fairly effective. ... It has been 
a good tenure, even if it's been relatively short."

One of Vogt's major priorities as state's attorney has been mounting 
an "effective attack" on illegal drug dealers, he said. This is 
important because county citizens want a "safe environment" and drug 
trafficking causes a number of serious problems, Vogt said.

According to Vogt, so far this year, about 37 defendants in 
Stephenson County have been sent to the Illinois Department of 
Corrections as a result of drug sales. This fact helps illustrate 
Vogt's aggressive stance toward drug dealers, he said.

"While education, treatment and rehabilitation of drug users is an 
important ingredient in the fight against illegal drugs, I believe we 
must be tough on drug suppliers and dealers," Vogt said in a written 
statement. "We are also particularly cognizant of offenders who use 
weapons in the commission of a crime."

Another priority for Vogt is bringing increased attention to crime 
victims. As an example, Vogt mentioned that his office has helped 
victims apply for state reimbursement for crime-related expenses. He 
said he wants to increase efforts in that area.

Vogt also hopes to expand his public speaking program so he's 
available for schools, churches, service groups, or other interested 
citizens, to speak about the responsibilities of his office and other 
criminal justice issues. Identity theft is a good example, Vogt said, 
of an issue that more people should be aware of.

Vogt, a Republican, is running for a two-year term.

Brian Stewart, chairman of the Stephenson County Republican Party, 
said the local party was involved in Vogt's selection process and 
supports his run for election.

"Obviously, the Republican Party is very supportive of John and his 
efforts to seek election to that post," Stewart said.

The primary election is in March 2006, and the general election is in 
November 2006. An open house for Vogt is scheduled from 4 p.m. to 9 
p.m. Sunday at the Southwest Grill, 1726 S. West Ave. in Freeport.

Vogt, a 27-year veteran of the legal profession, has previously 
served as assistant state's attorney, Freeport Housing Authority 
attorney, Cedarville village attorney, and city attorney for 
Freeport. In addition, Vogt operated a private law practice for 23 years.

Vogt and his wife, Sandra, have four children and live in Freeport.
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