Pubdate: Tue, 26 Jul 2005
Source: New Scientist (UK)
Copyright: New Scientist, RBI Limited 2005
Author: Anna Gosline
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methadone)
Bookmark: (Needle Exchange)


An epidemic of HIV infections is sweeping along the infamous 
heroin-trafficking highways from Afghanistan to Eastern Europe, says a US 
researcher. The surge in cases among intravenous drug users is fuelled by 
inadequate access to drug-addiction treatment, needle-sharing and users 
proximity to the routes.

This HIV/AIDS epidemic is just beginning and the virus is, again, ahead of 
our responses, says Chris Beyrer at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of 
Public Health. Drug treatment and HIV prevention must be implemented now, 
everywhere the heroin is flowing.

Eastern Europe and Central Asia are home to 1.4 million HIV-positive 
people, Beyrer reported at the International Aids Society Conference in Rio 
de Janeiro, Brazil. Most acquired the virus from sharing intravenous drug 
injection equipment.

Though adult prevalence is still low in Eastern Europe  in most countries 
under 2% of the adult population  the stage is set for an explosive boom, 
Beyrer warns. In Estonia, for example, the number of cases went from 0 to 
450 in under a year between 1999 and 2000. Most of the drug users are 
young, male and sexually active, making the possibility of wider spread 
more likely. Hope remains

The researchers trace a direct link with the plentiful heroin coming out of 
Afghanistan, which produced 420 tonnes of the narcotic in 2004. The effects 
are also starting to show in its closest neighbours, Iran and Tajikistan.

Afghan heroin on its way to Eastern Europe takes a direct route through 
Tajikistan, the poorest country of the former Soviet Union. HIV prevalence 
among its drug users was 12% in 2004, up from 4% in 2001. HIV prevalence 
among Irans two to four million drug users is 15%.

But, says Beyrer, there is hope. Brazil implemented aggressive HIV 
prevention strategies among its drug-using community and has since seen a 
decline in transmission rates. Tajikistan users with access to needle 
exchanges had half the prevalence rate of those who did not.

Unfortunately, less than 10% of people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 
have access to such resources. Changes will have to come from the 
authorities, says Beyrer. Methadone  a drug used to treat heroin addiction 
is still illegal in Russia. The US still does not fund needle exchange 
programmes, neither at home nor abroad.
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