Pubdate: Fri, 21 Jan 2005
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2005 BBC
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Access To Prisoner Behaviour Programmes Is Variable

There is no evidence to suggest that the millions spent on trying to
change prisoners' behaviour is working, a public spending watchdog has
said. In its report on Friday, Audit Scotland also said there were
long waiting lists for some rehabilitation programmes.

When inmates are released from prison there is a 50% chance they will
be back within two years.

Last year the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) spent A?30m on training
aimed at preventing re-offending.

In its report, Audit Scotland said that provision was patchy despite
the money.

When they enter prison, 85% of offenders are thought to have a drug or
alcohol addiction.

Less than half of users receive treatment. Deputy Tory leader Annabel
Goldie said the report contained some "particularly shocking
revelations, in particular the lack of a comprehensive drugs strategy".

She added: "The public will rightly wonder why our prisons cannot be
drug free. Prison offers the one place where the authorities should be
in control - it should offer the chance for prisoners to undergo drug
rehabilitation and to live in a drug-free environment."

However, the SPS said that every prisoner has access to basic
addiction support and there are plans to evaluate their programmes
more effectively.

Variable access

SNP MSP Stewart Stevenson called on the Scottish Executive to ensure
the prison service developed a plan to monitor and improve
correctional opportunities.

"Scotland has an appalling re-offending rate and it's about time the
Scottish Executive started to take some advice about ways of combating
the problem," he said.

Deputy auditor general Caroline Gardner said: "The provision of
education, vocational training and behaviour management programmes has
increased, but more information is needed about their effectiveness
and value.

"The Scottish Prison Service recognises it must measure the
effectiveness of its correctional programmes.

"Monitoring results is essential for evaluating how well public money
is being spent.

"We need to know what difference these training, education and life
skills programmes are making to the way people live their lives after
leaving prison, and in particular how they affect re-offending rates."

The watchdog found that prisoners' access to skills courses and
behavioural programmes was variable.

'Correctional opportunity'

Access often depended on available resources at each prison and the
duration of a prisoner's jail term.

New facilities are being developed at several prisons, but the rising
prison population means the pressure on "correctional opportunity" has

The report also found:

Scotland's prisons deal with more than 30,000 prisoners every

The average prison population rose from 5,400 in 2002/03 to 6,620 in

The SPS spent A?30m on correctional opportunities in 2003/04, some 12%
of the full cost of operating Scotland's prisons

The SPS performance results show 2,100 prisoners completed offending
behaviour programmes and approved activities

And 430,000 hours of education were received by prisoners across all
16 Scottish prisons in 2003-04.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin