Pubdate: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 Source: Cyprus Mail, The (Cyprus) Copyright: Cyprus Mail 2005 Contact: Details: Author: John Leonidou Bookmark: (Cocaine) Bookmark: (Heroin) Bookmark: (Methadone) THEODOROU HITS OUT AT DRUG DEATH CLAIMS CYPRUS has one of the steepest rates of drug death in the European Union, according to figures released yesterday by the Cyprus Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EKTEPN) -- a claim which sparked an angry reaction from Justice Minister Doros Theodorou. The sharp exchange came at a news conference addressed by the Head of EKTEPN Neoclis Georgiades, Health Minister Andreas Gavrielides, who is also Head of the National Anti-Drugs Council, and Dr Kyriacos Veresies. Sitting in the front row among the journalists was Justice Minister Theodorou. When the speakers asked if anyone had any questions, Theodorou, shot up, quizzing Georgiades on his figures, which he claimed were unsubstantiated. The minister later requested that a breakdown of statistics be sent to him, including the exact dates of every drug death counted. Earlier, Georgiades had outlined his research which showed that Cyprus lies fourth in Europe for drug related deaths per 100,000 residents. "From the data gathered, we can reveal that for the year 2004, the amount of people requesting treatment for their drug problems has increased to 450 compared to the year 2003 when the number was 265. However, it should be noted that in 2004, two centres were created for people with drug related problems." Men also tend to lean more towards drugs than women, according to the research, which showed 87 per cent of drug users on the island were men with the average age of a drug user being 28 for men and 24 for women. "We see also that around 56 per cent of drug users on the island are Greek Cypriots and the rest are either Greek or foreigners living on the island. "Heroin in the drug which is most at fault in drug related incidents with cocaine and crack also attributed to instant drug related deaths." It was the issue of the number of drug related deaths that most riled Theodorou, though he did wait until question time to voice his objections. Georgiades had said that between January and May 2005, six instant deaths had occurred on the island, all due to heroin, whereas a further two drug-related deaths had also occurred during the same period. For the whole of 2004, there were 14 instant deaths recorded, nine due to heroin, three due to a cocktail of heroin and cocaine and two from cocaine. A further three drug-related deaths were also recorded in 2004. Unimpressed, Theodorou hit back. "Your report fails to mention exactly when the deaths for this year took place because I can tell you that within the last three months we have not had a drug related death on the island. I would like to have a more analytical report on your figures." Georgiades said he had the details, but not at hand, and would forward them to the minister. Meanwhile, Health Minister Gavrielides said plans to establish units for drug users needing methadone were to be put in place at Limassol General Hospital, while plans were also under way to establish the same kind of unit for Nicosia General Hospital. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth