Pubdate: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Copyright: 2005 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Details: Author: Frank Landry, Legislature Reporter Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) MACK TOUGH ON METH Wants Drug Punishments On Par Ottawa should raise the maximum sentence for producing or trafficking crystal meth to life in prison, says Justice Minister Gord Mackintosh. "We have to do what we can to put in place a legal regime so there are serious consequences for those who destroy our communities and Canadians with meth," he said yesterday. It doesn't make sense that the maximum prison term for meth dealers under the federal Criminal Code is 10 years, while those convicted of selling cocaine and heroin can face life behind bars, said Mackintosh. "That does not reflect the fact meth is at least as destructive to the user and the community as those two other drugs," he said. Mackintosh said this is one of several issues he will raise at the annual conference of federal, provincial and territorial justice ministers. It begins tomorrow in Ottawa and runs for three days. Tory justice critic Kelvin Goertzen said it's hypocritical for Mackintosh to demand harsher penalties for crystal meth pushers when the NDP -- at least at the federal level -- supports more liberalized drug laws. Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton has said he supports the legalization of marijuana. "It's a very mixed message he's sending right across the board," Goertzen said. "If you're going to get tough on drugs, you get tougher on drugs consistently." Five provinces -- including Manitoba -- will also push Ottawa this week to eliminate conditional sentences for serious violent crimes, Mackintosh said. WILLING TO CO-OPERATE The ministers have made similar calls before, but Mackintosh said this time it's different because they're dealing with a federal minority government that may be more willing to co-operate. Goertzen it's fine to go to Ottawa, but Mackintosh should also be instructing his Crown attorneys to seek tougher penalties. Should life in prison be the maximum sentence for crystal meth pushers? - --- MAP posted-by: Derek