Pubdate: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 Source: Ottawa X Press (CN ON) Copyright: 2005 Ottawa X Press Contact: Details: Author: John Akpata Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Emery, Marc) HOUSE OF TROUBLE DEA GO AWAY Marc Emery is the president of the B.C. Marijuana Party. He also sells cannabis seeds via the Internet. It can cost you up to $500 for 10 seeds. He was scheduled to speak at the Atlantic Hempfest, a three-day festival and fundraiser for Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana. But On July 29, while in an eatery in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Emery was arrested by the RCMP-the culmination of a joint investigation by the Halifax regional police, the RCMP and their integrated drug unit. The request for Emery's arrest came from the Vancouver police department, who on July 22 also raided Toker's Bowl, Emery's store, which sells books, smoking paraphernalia and seeds, and also serves as the headquarters of the B.C. Marijuana Party. Vancouver police arrested Gregory Williams and Michelle Rainey-Fenkarek during the raid. Authorization for the raid came from associate chief justice of the B.C. supreme court, Patrick Dohm, under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act. The search warrant said Emery, Williams and Rainey-Fenkarek are wanted in the U.S. on charges of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, conspiracy to distribute marijuana seeds, and conspiracy to engage in money laundering. The U.S. is seeking the extradition of all three on conspiracy charges after they were indicted by an American federal grand jury in May. The indictment followed an 18-month investigation by American police into the sale of marijuana seeds on the Internet and by mail. If convicted, each could spend over a decade in prison in the United States of America-for selling seeds. This is ridiculous. The American "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror" have become a war on freedom, and a war on Canadian sovereignty. If the Canadian government capitulates, America will have succeeded in becoming absolutely tyrannical. Who is next? Muslims? Minorities? Same-sex couples? Brew your own beer depots? Watch out. Cannabis seeds and oil pressed from the seeds could be a valuable food source for humans. Cannabis seeds contain all eight amino acids that humans require for life functions, as well as the omega oils: omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9. Cannabis seeds also contain the fatty gamma-linolenic acid (contained in Omega 6), a building block not easily found in nature. Cannabis seeds and oil pressings contain no THC, nor any of the cannabinoid groups that make you high. Yankee go home. Free Emery, Williams and Rainey-Fenkarek. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake