Pubdate: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 Source: Ottawa X Press (CN ON) Copyright: 2005 Ottawa X Press Contact: Details: Author: Julie Fortier Note: Edited for Drug Policy Content A ROUNDUP OF LOCAL NEWS Amsterdam, Vancouver ... Ottawa? Dr. Lynne Leonard at the University of Ottawa is finding herself in the spotlight as she prepares to head a study looking at the possibility of a safe-injection site for the city. Seems Ottawa has a drug problem, a big one. One-fifth of the city's addicts are HIV-positive, and three-quarters have hepatitis C-the highest provincial rates, according to Leonard, a research scientist and assistant professor of community medicine at the university. There's anywhere from 3,500 to 5,500 intravenous drug users in Ottawa, she said. And every case of HIV costs the taxpayer $150,000 in medical costs alone. Even though the anti-drug measures the City is taking now obviously aren't working, several councillors, including Rick Chiarelli, are already saying they don't care what Leonard's report has to say, they will vote against it. It's just a study, people! Just last month, a report on the Vancouver safe injection site revealed that the most at-risk users for infection (young, homeless, injection-drug users) were the very people using the program, which protected hundreds of users from infection, overdoses or dying. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh