Pubdate: Tue, 09 Aug 2005
Source: Journal, The (UK)
Copyright: 2005 Trinity Mirror Plc.
Author: Daniel Cochlin
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


A man and a woman yesterday admitted conspiring to grow illegal drugs after 
a massive cannabis farm was found at a luxury house owned by former 
Newcastle United player Steve Watson.

Andrew Deacon and Julie French were arrested on December 8 last year when 
police raided the detached property in Runnymede Road on the exclusive 
Darras Hall estate in Ponteland.

Dozens of cannabis plants were removed from the house during the dawn 
search as well as barrels of hydroponic plant feed fluid, heat lamps, hedge 
shears, portable radiators, rolls of tin foil and electric fans.

Police also raided a second house the same day in Meadow Road, Lemington, 
when another cannabis farm was discovered.

The drugs seized by police at both addresses had a street value of AUKP30,000.

Mr Watson, who now plays for West Bromwich Albion, has never lived at the 
house which he bought as an investment six years ago.

Police have stressed he is in no way linked to either cannabis farm and has 
no involvement in the investigation. He had been renting out the house 
through a local letting agent.

At Newcastle Crown Court yesterday, Deacon and French both pleaded guilty 
to conspiracy to cultivate cannabis between July 1 and December 9 last year.

Deacon, 38, of Meadow Road, Lemington, Newcastle, has also pleaded guilty 
to a linked offence of possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

French, 47, a beautician living at the Runnymede Road address at the time, 
has denied the possession with intent charge which is to be left on file.

They were both further remanded on bail yesterday at Newcastle Crown Court 
after sentence was adjourned by Judge John Evans until September 9 for reports.

The two raids are understood to have taken place after a tip-off. Det Chief 
Insp Ian Groom, of Northumbria Police, said: "We are pleased with these 
guilty pleas - these arrests were the culmination of an intelligence-led 
operation and demonstrated our commitment to targeting those people who 
deal in drugs.

"We will continue to work with our partners tackling the small minority in 
our communities who are involved in drugs.

"We also need the continued support of members of the public who can supply 
us with vital information in relation to people who deal in drugs causing 
misery in the areas where they live."

Runnymede Road is one of the most exclusive addresses in the North-East.

Residents include Newcastle United's captain Alan Shearer, midfielder 
Kieron Dyer and former Newcastle and England ace Peter Beardsley.

Most of the properties have gardens of up to two acres and the homes have 
price tags of up to AUKP2m.
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MAP posted-by: Beth