Pubdate: Fri, 12 Aug 2005
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 Calgary Herald
Author: Tony Seskus, with files from Jason Fekete
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Ottawa's plans to toughen sentences for possessing, making and
trafficking methamphetamine -- commonly known as crystal meth --
should help fight the spread of the potentially devastating drug,
according to premiers who are backing the crackdown.

But political leaders and police officials cautioned there is still
much to do to rein in the cheap and highly addictive drug.

"We've now given law-enforcement agencies some tools that they are
going to need," B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said at Thursday's
premiers' meeting. "I think we can step up as premiers, create a
national program of awareness and education for people across the
country with regard to crystal meth."

The federal government said Thursday it's moving meth to Schedule 1 of
the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which places it on the same
footing as drugs such as cocaine, and sets out stiffer penalties for
possession and trafficking. The changes will increase the maximum
penalty for production and distribution of meth to life in prison, up
from the current maximum of 10 years.

Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said specially designated prosecutors
will also deal with the most serious cases and will speak to judges in
sentencing about the corrosive, poisonous nature of the drug and how
it destroys lives.

"We are making a clear statement today about the gravity of the
offence and the responsibility of the offender," Cotler said in Vancouver.

Alberta Solicitor General Harvey Cenaiko said tougher sentences should
be a deterrent. Cenaiko also said he'd like to see a national
conference of solicitor generals that would help the provinces
collaborate on two key fronts: drugs and gangs. He'd like to see such
a meeting called as early as next spring.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin