Pubdate: Mon, 15 Aug 2005
Source: Lindsay Daily Post (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005 Lindsay Daily Post


Crystal meth, the latest narcotic scourge of our era, is a devastatingly
addictive drug that has laid a path of destruction in the United States and
Western Canada.

Now it is at our door. Actually it already is here in Ontario but hasn't
completely cinched its claws into the eastern part of the province.

Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time until it does.

Going by history, when it does arrive in full force it will have more
devastating results than heroine, cocaine or even crack. It is more
addictive than all of these and is easily produced with household chemicals
and over-the-counter decongestants.

With this chemical monster at our doorstep it comes as good news that the
federal government has taken a first step in combating its spread. On
Thursday, the feds announced they were raising the maximum sentence for
trafficking or manufacturing crystal meth to 10 years to act as a deterrent.

While there is plenty of criticism that the measure won't work and is too
lenient , considering there is no minimum sentence, it at least is a
positive development in that the government has finally acted after standing
idly by the past few years.

Yes, the critics are right that this will not stem the tide but hopefully
the sentencing increase can be the first block in building up a bulwark to
prevent a flood of crystal meth from flooding our schools and streets.

With this first step it is important for all those involved, from the
various levels of government to police enforcement, to quickly come up with
a battle plan before crystal meth enters the region in full force. 
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MAP posted-by: Josh