Pubdate: Fri, 19 Aug 2005
Source: Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA)
Copyright: 2005 The Ukiah Daily Journal
Author: Quincy Cromer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


It has been more than two months since medical marijuana distribution 
centers in the area closed following the Supreme Court decision that 
federal agents could prosecute medical marijuana users, and a Ukiah 
cooperative has decided to reopen its doors to the public.

United Medical Caregivers Clinic in Ukiah closed June 9, just three days 
after the Supreme Court decision maintaining the federal government's 
ability to prosecute medical marijuana patients, saying it was warned the 
Drug Enforcement Agency is teaming with the Internal Revenue Service to go 
after cannabis clubs.

Some 70 days after initially closing, UMCC was open for business Wednesday 
to pre-existing medical marijuana consumers, a decision made after a new 
CEO took control of both the Ukiah and Los Angeles cooperatives serving 
some 18,000 patients.

Scott Feil, previous CEO of UMCC, said the Los Angeles branch has already 
been reopened and the Ukiah office will start serving local patients again 
despite the legal situation.

"It (the Supreme Court decision) really didn't do anything except take away 
the last defense," Feil said. "It is frustrating to see how law has 
changed. Congress made it illegal, and Congress has the power to make it 
legal again. That is where the fight has to be made."

Feil said the new CEO, who he identified only as Steve, will continue to 
serve all former medical marijuana patients, and new patients will only be 
accepted if they are terminally ill.

"We are not taking any new members, but we are honoring old customers," he 

"If someone is at my door dying in the next six months, I am not going to 
turn them away. That is why we are reopening, because people are dying or 
extremely suffering without it and Oakland is the closest place anyone can 
go for any sort of quality."

With some 6,000 local patients, Feil said medical marijuana users were 
forced to buy cannabis from people on the street, creating a dangerous 
situation where sellers could take advantage of patients and no one was 
legally protected.

"The street dealing, from what I understand, has become competitive because 
there are kids selling marijuana to people on the streets," Feil said. "If 
you are arrested on drug charges now, you might as well go directly to 

Feil, who no longer manages UMCC, has become politically involved in 
supporting the rights of medical marijuana patients and cooperatives, 
meeting with members of Congress and lobbying for support of medical 
marijuana protective measures.

"I have to stand back from this and just yell louder I have a lot of 
political backing now and I just want to take advantage of that," he said.

One of the efforts Feil hopes to implement locally is a drug abuse program 
in schools, providing incentives to students who voluntarily take random 
drug tests.

Feil is also supporting an application for a clinical trial on medical 
marijuana, which he hopes will make it legal to distribute such Class 1 
drugs with proper documents and a doctor's prescription.

Dane Wilkins, Northern California executive director for the National 
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said "I think it is 
important that they reopen but only under strict business practices to meet 
the needs of the patients that are too disabled to grow their own or don't 
have the ability to grow their own marijuana," Wilkins said. "It is a 
benefit to the community to have a well-run dispensary in the city of Ukiah."

Since the Supreme Court decision, Wilkins said the medical marijuana 
situation has not changed, but there are some legislative efforts currently 
being considered to offer protection for users and distributors.

"There have been more marijuana plants pulled up by CAMP (the Campaign 
Against Marijuana Planting) but no medical marijuana patients have been 
targeted. For a typical medical marijuana patient, things are the same as 
they were," Wilkins said. "On a federal level, there are some efforts being 
made to reschedule marijuana from a Class 1 drug to a lower class drug, 
which would change how it is being viewed by the federal government."

UMCC is currently open to all previous cardholders on Monday, Wednesday and 
Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and all new and renewal patients must meet 
new guidelines.
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MAP posted-by: Beth