Pubdate: Sat, 27 Aug 2005
Source: Chronicle Herald (CN NS)
Copyright: 2005 The Halifax Herald Limited
Author: Cathy Von Kintzel
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Chronic Pain)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.)


Plants Have Negligible Amount Of THC

Make no mistake, says Anne Franey, oil derived from legalized hemp plant 
seeds in Canada is both legitimate and healthy.

The Annapolis Valley businesswoman was reacting to an article in Friday's 
edition in which a Maccan resident called the golden-coloured liquid he 
produces from marijuana plants hemp oil.

Ms. Franey of Berwick didn't want the legal hemp seed oil she uses to 
create dozens of products confused with Rick Simpson's oil that he claims 
relieves pain and cures many ailments, including cancer.

"Our hemp seed oil comes from hemp plants that have a negligible amount of 
THC (the compound that makes people high)," Ms. Franey said.

"Hemp seed oil has been legally sold in Canada since 1998."

Ms. Franey said the oil is found in health food stores and now in various 
pharmacies in Nova Scotia. "It is nature's most balanced oil for the Omega 
3, 6 and 9."

She markets dozens of products, ranging from edible oils to skin-care, 
under the name Totally Hemp Ltd.

Mr. Simpson agrees his oil is different from legal hemp seed oil. His oil 
is made from plants he grows himself and has a high level of THC.

"It's a miracle drug,' he said, estimating he's distributed his product 
free to at least 300 people for a variety of illnesses. They ranged from 
cancer, psoriasis and skin ailments to back pain and concussions.

Mr. Simpson, who had 1,600 marijuana plants seized by the RCMP earlier this 
month, intends to discuss what he does today during a public meeting at 2 
p.m. at the Maccan Royal Canadian Legion.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman