Pubdate: Sat, 27 Aug 2005
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 The Vancouver Sun
Author: Zev Singer, Ottawa Citizen
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Emery, Marc)


OTTAWA -- Marijuana crusader Marc Emery has unexpectedly found himself 
under fire this week as web-loggers scrutinize the content of his websites, 
including a posting from his "jail blog" last summer in which he called 
federal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler a "Nazi-Jew."

With the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration after him, the case of Emery, 
B.C.'s "Prince of Pot," has become a cause celebre. Since his arrest a 
month ago, he has been facing possible extradition to the United States for 
selling marijuana seeds to American customers.

Supporters of Emery, who calls himself "the leader of the marijuana people 
around the world," include federal NDP leader Jack Layton, who has argued 
against the extradition.

Emery, 47, was serving a three-month sentence in Saskatoon last summer for 
passing a joint at a pot rally when he wrote the "jail blog," which he 
dictated to associates over the phone, who then posted it on the Internet.

In it, he complained that Cotler went from being a human rights advocate to 
a justice minister who, as attorney general, allows for the prosecution of 
cannabis users.

"I thought the term Jewish-Nazi, or Nazi-Jew, was an oxymoron until Cotler 
became the Injustice Minister," Emery's posting said. "What a disgrace he 
is to his Jewish roots. He should -- so much -- know better."

Emery said when he originally used the term "Nazi-Jew" he was in a very 
emotional state.

"When you're in jail, you can be seized by despair," he said.

Yet, he said that while he did not wish to be "insulting" to Cotler, 
ultimately he believes the Nazi metaphor is fair.

"To me a Nazi is a person who would inflict pain, punishment, incarceration 
or death on anyone who's acting peacefully and honestly," he said. Cotler, 
he said, fits into the category.

Cotler declined to be interviewed for this story. A spokesperson said 
because Emery is facing possible extradition, Cotler does not want to risk 
prejudicing the case.
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