Pubdate: Tue, 30 Aug 2005
Source: Midweek News (UK)
Copyright: 2005, Trinity Mirror Plc.
Author: Steve Still


THE sweeping assault on hard drugs and street crime in Reading has brought
the arrest of almost 250 people since it began four months ago.

Reading police say almost of all the 247 people caught during raids under
the Operation Falcon dragnet since May are involved with drugs or robbery.

Feedback from the streets and the region's prisons reveals Reading is now
perceived as a difficult place to deal in hard drugs, while heroin and
cocaine are becoming more scarce.

The target is to break the chain involving offending, drugs and returning to
former haunts after rehabilitation or a prison term.

Sgt Mick Newell said: "We know we can never totally remove drug dealing and
dealers from the streets.

"But we can continue to keep searching people and houses and taking those
caught with drugs to court until they get the message that they aren't
welcome in this town. They will get bored before we do.

"I'm pleased the messages we're getting back from offenders and dealers via
our intelligence systems is that Reading is not an easy place to deal drugs

"It appears people are staying away due to the work we're doing and that's

At least 300 people have been stop-checked and officers have regularly
raided addresses in Liverpool Road, Granville Road in Southcote, Wensley
Road in Coley and Oxford Road, Zinzan Street and Charles Street.

Officers have also nabbed 19 illegal immigrants, and have seized drugs,
costly electrical equipment, cash and stun guns.

Sgt Newell added: "The support we've had from the public has been massive
and it's down to them that we've the evidence needed to take action against
offenders. Every call they make is vital and is another piece we can add to
the jigsaw."
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MAP posted-by: Josh