Pubdate: Tue, 30 Aug 2005
Source: Arizona Range News (AZ)
Copyright: 2005 Arizona Range News
Contact: (520) 384-3572
Note: Weekly, published Weds.
Author: Terry Maxwell
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Incarceration)


Can we as concerned law-abiding citizens do something to change failed drug 
policies that are creating heartache, trauma and confusion throughout 
America, diverting police from pursuing violent criminal parasites, 
clogging our court system, breaking up families, and labeling America as 
the incarceration capital of the world?

There is no easy answer to the traumatic impact of illegal drug abuse. Most 
of us realize the federal government's "War on Drugs" has been a failed 
experiment. Yet, as taxpayers we tacitly approve the chicanery that is 
going on in Washington and at the state level.

In small rural and suburban communities, law enforcement is generally able 
to find out what is going on through the use of informants and 
investigations. But illegal-drug users, even after being arrested, still 
have a tendency to come back to Willcox, said Willcox Police Chief Jake 
Weaver. And, abusers understand that the Cochise County Sheriff's 
Department has a limited number of deputies to cover a large and spread out 
area and thereby take advantage of the situation that exists. The state 
police have their hands full just patrolling the highways.

The end result of prohibition is to drive illegal drugs underground. 
Therefore, it becomes much more difficult to monitor. Similar prohibition 
tactics in the roaring '20s only increased alcohol prices and very little 
of anything was accomplished for the public good. Runaway illicit drug 
prices have opened up lucrative opportunities for drug pushers. They have 
capitalized on the $6-billion-a-year nationwide illegal drug market and 
will continue to do so in the future.

At the state and federal level, politicians should get off the 
lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality that only serves as a bonanza 
for construction companies and criminal justice personnel at a horrific 
cost to financially burdened taxpayers.

There is no question that violent criminals and criminal sexual psychopaths 
should be incarcerated for the protection of society. However, most drug 
addicts don't totally fit that description and a reasonable percentage of 
offenders can be saved from a life behind bars.

Politicians are fearful of being branded as soft on crime if they take the 
position that there may be a more pragmatic and realistic way to combat 
illegal drugs. Therefore, a criminal-justice system that routinely 
sentences nonviolent addicts to prison contributes to increased crime and 
violent behavior in the community at large.

A segment of our population will always use illegal drugs. The government's 
role should be to reduce the physical and psychological harm to the user 
and society through treatment and other meaningful approaches. If a drug 
abuser sells drugs and is addicted, he or she should be subject to a prison 
sentence. In the majority of cases when addicts with a history of selling 
drugs are released from prison, they all too often go back on the street 
and sell drugs and violate the terms of their parole.

The criminal justice system avoids the fact that the two most abused and 
lethal drugs in America, alcohol and nicotine are legal due to the 
manufacturer's flow of money to lobbyists and political campaigns. Even the 
most casual observer can see that drug-abuse policies are incongruent and 
must be thoroughly reviewed for possible revision.

Evidently, our politicians at the state and federal level are aware that to 
put alcohol and nicotine in the same illegal category as marijuana would 
only create animosity and dim the politician's chances of being returned to 
political office.

Why? Because millions of Americans are addicted to one or both legal drugs 
at a horrendous cost in human life, pain and suffering and billions of 
dollars that could be used for desperately needed health care and public 
and private education.

To avoid any confusion about my position on the legalization of 
physically-addictive hard drugs such as heroin, morphine, meth, and 
cocaine, among others, I am convinced that it would be a mistake that would 
compound the problem and promote hard-drug use. However, hard-drug users 
that have no previous felony arrest record should not automatically be 
sentenced to a state or federal prison and come in contact with hardened 
criminals, learn lessons of the trade from the best teachers, and be 
subjected to rape and sadism and be released into a free society more 
vindictive than when they were sentenced to prison.

Obviously, there are no easy answers to this controversial argument over 
how to handle drug abuse. Options currently available are long prison 
sentences, probation with mandatory drug-abuse counseling and therapy, 
reduced penalties for soft drug convictions, public and private school 
education, and legalization.

Efforts are being made by government and local service agencies to reduce 
the human carnage that is a product of both illegal drugs and legal drugs 
like alcohol and nicotine. They are to be commended for their leadership 
and devoted efforts to treat addiction at the community level rather than 
shipping offenders of to a prison system that is considered one of the 
worst in the world.

Often, inmates are released from prison as a greater threat to society than 
when they were sentenced. Violence is a part of prison life, which makes an 
inmate fight for his or her self-respect and dignity, whatever is left. If 
he or she is a mild-mannered addict, prison thugs quickly pick them out as 
an easy touch to sexually assault and abuse. When released from prison, 
they have to carry a heavy load of psychological baggage that makes it even 
more difficult to stay off drugs in a free society.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman