Pubdate: Wed, 07 Sep 2005
Source: Chronicle Herald (CN NS)
Copyright: 2005 The Halifax Herald Limited
Author: Cathy Von Kintzel


TRURO - Despite his best efforts, a high-profile medical marijuana user and
supplier charged with drug trafficking didn't get his day in court Tuesday.

"I really wanted to put an end to this," 40-year-old John Cook said outside
a Truro courtroom after two charges were stayed by Crown Attorney Cameron
MacKinnon without explanation.

"I assume it's just too messy a situation for them to deal with," said Mr.
Cook, a Harrietsfield, Halifax County, resident and provincial director for
the Cannabis Buyers' Club of Canada.

"We have public sentiment on our side," he said, referring to the medical
marijuana issue.

Mr. Cook was charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of
trafficking and trafficking after 500 grams of the drug were seized by
police at a Truro bus station in January while he was en route from
Springhill to Halifax.

Charges against a co-accused, 40-year-old Stephen Edward Chute of
Springhill, were also stayed.

By staying the charges, Mr. MacKinnon reserves the right to pursue them
again within a year.

Mr. Cook had intended to represent himself, and argue that court decisions
made in other provinces give medical marijuana users across Canada the right
to possess and cultivate their drugs, without a federal permit.

"I want to prove that possession and cultivation laws (for medical users)
aren't even on the books anymore."

He vowed to continue supplying 50 clients of his compassion club with
medical marijuana, and will also apply to the Supreme Court to get his
seized pot, or $7,500 cash equivalent, back from police.

"I'm sure it's not of much medicinal value now."

He made an unsuccessful bid in June to get the marijuana back, and was told
it was needed as evidence for his trial.

Mr. Cook started running the club from his home after injuring his back. 
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