Pubdate: Mon, 24 Jan 2005
Source: Daily Herald-Tribune, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 The Daily Herald-Tribune
Author: Debi Ruhl, HT Staff


The Peace Wapiti School Board is one step closer to a provincial pilot
program designed to teach students of all ages the dangers of drug

Last fall, the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) proposed a
provincial drug awareness project that would include facilitation from
AADAC to address issues during the current school year as well as into
the future.

As one of 12 boards in the province potentially expressing an interest
in the endeavor, Peace Wapiti has submitted a formal application with
an eye on picking up where the current RCMP DARE (Drug and Alcohol
Resistance Education) program leaves off.

"The project we have decided on is for peer education to continue from
the DARE program in Grade 6," said trustee Dana MacIntosh. "The ASBA
is going to narrow it down to six and from that choose three school
boards to participate. We're hoping to be one of those."

Included in the application is such information as current drug
awareness programs being utilized as well as access to resource
material and plans for implementation of a program.

The proposal encompasses every school in the district and would
provide a more consistent program across the division.

However, while Peace Wapiti is anxious to jump into the drug awareness
program, MacIntosh says it's not necessarily due to the fact there is
a drug problem in the schools.

"We were concerned that promoting this program might look like we're
admitting we have a problem," she said. "It's not a school problem,
it's a problem in society. Doing something about it recognizes that
school systems aren't immune. Any kind of program like this would be a
benefit to our schools and the communities."

Boards that submit successful proposals will be expected to begin
their projects by Feb. 1. All others may be able to qualify for a
second-phase in the initiative, which will be announced at a later
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