Pubdate: Fri, 09 Sep 2005
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2005 The Denver Post Corp
Author: Howard Pankratz
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


A Denver deputy sheriff who authorities say spent months smuggling 
contraband to inmates in the Denver County Jail had bought a ticket to fly 
to Mexico today.

The deputy, Solomon Mikael, 34, was arrested Wednesday after an extensive 
investigation. The probe began in April after prosecutors, police and 
sheriff's officials heard that a deputy was bringing contraband to the jail 
to sell to inmates.

On Sept. 1, Mikael met an undercover agent and received marijuana, tobacco 
and $250 in marked money, court records say. Officers said Mikael then 
smuggled the drugs and tobacco into the jail and sold them to an inmate.

On Wednesday, Mikael met with an undercover agent and received marijuana, 
tobacco and $600, authorities said. Before he could take the items to the 
jail, he was arrested. The documents say that after his arrest, Mikael 
confessed that he sold contraband to an inmate Sept. 1.

Investigators asked for a high bail. They said Mikael has no family here 
and is going through a divorce. They also noted that in a search of his 
home, a Sept. 9 plane ticket to Mexico was found. Bail was set at $100,000.

Mikael was hired as a deputy in 1998. He was put on leave in November 2001 
after a submachine gun he was issued disappeared.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman