Pubdate: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 Source: Oakland Tribune, The (CA) Copyright: 2005 MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers Contact: Details: Author: Mikki Norris Cited: Measure Z REGULATE, TAX POT OAKLAND VOTERS got it right when they passed Measure Z by 65 percent in November -- making private, adult marijuana offenses law enforcement's lowest priority and asking the city to tax and regulate adult sales of cannabis as soon as possible. When this policy is adopted at the state level, it will enable local law enforcement agencies to concentrate their limited funds against violent and serious crime at an annual savings of $150 million. When we finally begin to tax and regulate the market for marijuana like alcohol, it will drastically cut street dealing and generate about $2 billion of new tax revenue. Oakland voters are smart, and they deserve smart policies and leadership in Sacramento. It's time to put the taxation and regulation of marijuana on the table in this state budget debate. Mikki Norris El Cerrito - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake