Pubdate: Thu, 15 Sep 2005
Source: Free Lance-Star, The (VA)
Copyright: 2005 The Free Lance-Star
Author: Keith Epps
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Police say two self-proclaimed gang members and a suspected drug dealer 
were arrested following separate incidents Tuesday at Chancellor High 
School in Spotsylvania County.

All three are teenage students at the school, Spotsylvania Deputy Robin 
Kocher said. School resource officer A.P. Clark made the arrests.

According to Kocher, two members of the Bloods were taken into custody 
after another student was beaten up after school near the trailers on 
school property.

The Bloods is a nationwide gang with its roots in South Central Los 
Angeles. It has a known presence in the county, Kocher said.

Kocher said the pair claimed they attacked the student because he was 
wearing a shirt that disrespected their gang.

The shirt featured an upside-down "B" and a "C" that was straight up, 
Kocher said. It was not clear whether the victim knew that the shirt would 
cause a problem.

Kocher said the boys readily admitted their affiliation with the gang. She 
said that according to gang rules, they would be subject to club reprimand 
if they denied their membership in the gang to anyone.

The extent of the victim's injuries weren't clear, but he suffered facial 
wounds. The suspects were placed in the Rappahannock Juvenile Detention Center.

They were charged with malicious wounding, participating in a criminal act 
at the direction of a gang, disorderly conduct and assault by a mob.

Also on Tuesday, Clark arrested a teenage boy who had a stun gun and 27 
small "balls" of suspected marijuana wrapped in tinfoil at the school.

Kocher said the boy was brought to the office that morning after an 
administrator received a tip from a concerned parent.

The boy was charged with possession of marijuana with the intent to 
distribute and possession of an assault weapon.

He, too, was placed in the juvenile detention center.

The teens were not identified because they are minors.
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman