Pubdate: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 Source: Saturday Okanagan, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2005 Saturday Okanagan Contact: Details: Author: George Kosinski Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) NO POLICE STATE In a recent story, Cpl. Carey Chernoff, head of the RCMP drug unit in Kelowna, opines that "There always seems to be something tying our hands, and we have to find a way around it." That something is called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and I don't believe it's appropriate for police officers to be speaking publicly about getting around it, though they, I suspect, do it often enough in private. Chernoff should check out the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition website and educate himself as to what his peers who don't belong to his church are saying, I'm sure I'm not alone in indicating that I'd rather see every Canadian adult smoking marijuana every day than to live in a police state society. George Kosinski, Gibsons - ---