Pubdate: Tue, 20 Sep 2005
Source: Manila Standard (Philippines)
Copyright: 2005 Manila Standard
Author: Roy Pelovello


Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez yesterday said he has ordered the
National Bureau of Investigation to look into reports of alleged
"vigilante" killings in Davao City.

In its country report on the Philippines for 2004, released Feb. 28,
the US State Department noted the alleged links of Davao City Mayor
Rodrigo Duterte with shadowy vigilante group Davao Death Squad.

"Reports on the so-called vigilante killings in Davao City is murder -
and shall never be encouraged nor condoned. President Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo was unhappy about such reports," Gonzalez said in a statement.
"... The Department of Justice has called on the NBI to look into
these reports as it also directed the agency to investigate other
major crimes.

Gonzalez said that unless documented, these reports should not be
taken as gospel truth. "Until such reports are substantiated and
documented, there is no proof that these are indeed vigilante killings.

Investigations show that many of such crimes were unrelated to human
rights issues," Gonzalez said. Gonzalez said media reports citing rise
in vigilante killings should not be taken as an indication that the
government is treating the problem with kid gloves. "Such report often
exaggerate and blow the real situation out of proportion, creating a
problem where otherwise there is none," he said.

The justice secretary stressed that the national police is in complete
control of the peace and order situation in cities and in rural areas
and perpetrators of such crimes as vigilante killings will soon reckon
with the law.

"The government frowns on those who take the law into their own hands
in the guise of doing society a good turn when in truth, they are
compounding the problem. A person who breaks the law will answer to
duly constituted authorities for their criminal acts, and so called
vigilantes are no exception," he said.

He claimed that the human rights violations are often committed
against civilians by "those people identified with the left and
criminal elements who disguise themselves as abused and neglected
ethnic groups."

Gonzalez said the government is "doing its best" to curb criminality,
including the so-called vigilante killings by implementing programs
designed to improve the know how and capability of its police and
investigative forces.

The US State Department report said: "Summary killings by vigilante
groups continued to rise in Davao City, Mindanao, where the mayor was
alleged to be linked to the vigilantes.

Most of the victims were suspected of involvement in illegal drug
trade or other criminal activities. "According to TFDP (Task Force
Detainees of the Philippines), 67 suspected criminals were killed in
Davao between January and August, though it is unclear how many of
these deaths may be the result of common crime, as opposed to
vigilante-style slayings. No witnesses have come forth to testify in
any of these killings," the report added. 
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