Pubdate: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 Source: Reporter, The (Fond du Lac, WI) Copyright: 2005 Gannett Wisconsin Newspapers Contact: Website: Details: Author: Gary J. Hobbins DOCTORS AT FAULT FOR ENABLING DRUG USERS There is "something rotten in Denmark" when local doctors prescribe narcotic pain medications to ex-convict drug users and traffickers, who then do not take the medication themselves but turn around and sell the drugs, making thousands of dollars in a short period of time. Local doctors need to do background checks before prescribing controlled substances. Many of these criminals have already "disabled" themselves with substance abuse, and this includes food abuse, and have obtained medical cards that give doctors the right to run expensive tests and prescribe expensive medications that benefit their organizations. Upon observation, one sees in this great country of ours that many of these types of disability cases are questionable and could be cured by enforced education and work. These spiritually asleep people need intervention and not more of the same that perpetuates their deplorable lifestyles. Truly disabled people that work do make these people look sick. Obviously, there are those who, because of the circumstances of their lives, have not yet been able to become conscious of their behavior and the effect that it has on others, especially the poor, spiritually asleep people they sell the narcotics to and what it would do to their loved ones if they were arrested. But this takes an evolved love and some people do not yet understand or care about that. "A greedy man brings trouble to his family ... " Proverbs 15:27 Clandestine trafficking in narcotics constitutes direct co-operation in evil, since it encourages people to practices gravely contrary to moral law. Doctors take the Hippocratic oath, and the oath states "do no harm." The oath was originally intended to offer a spiritual and/or ethical duty towards the performance of the medical profession. Doctors, do not undervalue your oath. Gary J. Hobbins Fond du Lac - --- MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman