Pubdate: Fri, 23 Sep 2005
Source: Edmonton Journal (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 The Edmonton Journal
Author: Susan Ruttan


Substance Abuse And Mental Illness Feed Off One Another

EDMONTON - Half the Albertans who seek AADAC's help with their 
addictions are also suffering from mental-health problems, an AADAC 
expert told a national conference Thursday.

To begin getting a handle on this dual problem, the Alberta Alcohol 
and Drug Abuse Commission has developed a screening questionnaire for 
new clients to detect those who need mental health treatment, 
Mohammad Hasan told a session at the annual conference of the 
Canadian Mental Health Association.

Hasan, who is project co-ordinator of AADAC's Building Capacity 
Initiative, said the questionnaire has been used in a large pilot 
project and the results are now being reviewed.

"It will probably roll out early next year," he said.

Hasan said AADAC realizes that once a client is detoxified from drugs 
or alcohol, their mental health and addiction problems must both be 
treated at the same time.

The two conditions feed on each other, said Hasan. Alcohol or drug 
addiction can lead to mental illness and mental problems can lead 
people to lapse into substance abuse.

"This (dual-problem) population is becoming much younger," he said.

These clients are often a challenge to treat, drifting in and out of 
treatment, he said. Many have a host of other problems -- no home, no 
job skills, problems with the law, no close family.

In Edmonton, nearly a third of adults who are mentally ill also have 
a substance abuse problem, according to AADAC.

AADAC is now doing extensive work training its staff to deal with 
these clients with dual disorders, said Kathy Landry, senior director 
of residential services and health initiatives for the commission.

The conference at the Shaw Conference Centre is being attended by 380 people.

It ends Saturday.
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