Pubdate: Sat, 24 Sep 2005
Source: Gulf Times (Qatar)
Copyright: Gulf Times Newspaper, 2005
Bookmark: (Youth)
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


INDIA'S Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked all 
affiliated schools to conduct regular awareness programmes among the 
students against the risks of drug addiction. In a recent memoradum, the 
board has urged the co-operation of all institutions in moulding the 
character of children under their care "as it will have an everlasting 
influence on their lives". According to the CBSE directives, drug abuse has 
been considered as an important curricular concern for some time. Various 
media reports also underline the urgent need to address the issue at school 
level in a systematic and responsible manner. One of the specific 
objectives of the 'General Framework of Adolescence Education' is "to make 
learners aware of the causes and consequences of drug abuse and ways of 
preventing it, and to develop in them a rational attitude as well as the 
skills to say 'no' to drugs". The curricular components that are already 
incorporated in different subjects can be highlighted for raising the 
awareness of students about drugs, the harmful effects of their abuse and 
the ways of preventing drug abuse, the circular said. The CBSE has 
suggested the following programmes for the schools: * Sensitisation through 
formal and informal discussions; * Creating awareness among students by 
organising interactive sessions with experts in the field; * Strengthening 
the counseling component ; * Educating children by involving local nodal 
agencies working in the field of narcotics control; * Social justice and 
law empowerment; * Empowering children by organising specifically designed 
co-curricular activities such as role play, value clarification, group 
discussion and so on. Schools can add to this list of activities depending 
on their local needs and availability of resources. - AV
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom