Pubdate: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 Source: Berkshire Eagle, The (Pittsfield, MA) Copyright: 2005 New England Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: S. L. Kozlowski Referenced: SURPRISED BY TRIAL OUTCOME To the Editor of THE EAGLE: Imagine my surprise when I opened the Sept. 24 Eagle and saw that Kyle Sawin was acquitted (A1, "Sawin cleared of charges"). I was confused when reviewing some of the facts of the trial: Mr. Sawin was arrested at age 17 (underage). He freely admitted he had a marijuana habit. He and his friends frequented a venue where drugs were dealt and consumed. Also, imagine my shock when I looked below the fold and saw a photo of the Sawins with nothing but smiles, smiles, smiles! Now, a question for the Citizens for Appropriate Justice: Did you ever think that perhaps Mr. Capeless insisted on the punishment he did so that we would not be seeing Kyle in court in 2010 or 2012 for possession of cocaine, Oxycontin, or the substance du jour? Finally, a question for Mr. and Mrs. Sawin: With all due respect, did you have any clue as to what Kyle was doing? I know a number of people with children Kyle's age, and they certainly would not hang around for a photograph with smiles on their faces. S.L. KOZLOWSKI Pittsfield - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake