Pubdate: Tue, 04 Oct 2005
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2005 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Anne Kyle, The Leader-Post


A Regina woman sobbed uncontrollably as she was escorted into custody 
Monday for laundering her brother's drug money through her bank account 
between March 28, 2001 and Sept. 17, 2003.

Tracy Lee Anne Roth, 32, was sentenced to three months in jail after 
admitting she deposited $64,000 in drug proceeds into her account and than 
circulated the money by writing cheques and bank drafts on the account

"Here is how I see it ma'am. The position taken by the Crown is that they 
are not recommending a conditional sentence, but feel the more appropriate 
sentence is incarceration considering the significant amount of money that 
you laundered," said provincial court Judge Clifford Toth.

"You had to have benefited from it," Toth chastised the woman.

A forensic audit of Roth's bank account indicated she earned between 
$28,000 to $30,000 and couldn't explain the large cash bank deposits, 
mainly in $50 and $100 bills.

Court was told despite a lack of bank records, investigators believe Roth 
may have laundered as much as $125,000.

Toth was told the woman was wilfully blind because she had to have known 
her brother, who was on social assistance, was trafficking drugs and by 
laundering the illicit funds she was perpetuating the drug trade.

Roth's brother Brad, who was convicted of trafficking and received a 
three-year sentence, is now in a Regina half-way house.

"... I seldom speak to my brother any more. My kids miss their uncle, but 
they know he is not welcome in my house anymore," Roth said, explaining she 
suffered a stress-related breakdown, was hospitalized and is still under 
psychiatric care.

This wasn't Roth's first involvement in fraudulent activities, Toth said 
noting "this was a significant money laundering scheme involving a 
commercial enterprise for trafficking drugs."
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