Pubdate: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 Source: Observer, The (UK) Copyright: 2005 The Observer Contact: Details: Author: Ned Temko Bookmark: (Cannabis) Bookmark: (Cocaine) Q: DAVID, DID YOU TAKE DRUGS AT OXFORD A: I DON'T THINK I SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT NOW THAT I AM A POLITICIAN It was a simple question at an Observer meeting in Blackpool... but it has exploded into an issue that could derail David Cameron's leadership bid. On the eve of the vital Tory vote, Ned Temko looks at a favourite at bay The Observer The grandly named Baronial Hall in Blackpool's Winter Gardens - in fact, a large second-floor function room - was packed to overflowing. Members of the audience chatted in the kind of excited anticipation that nowadays signals the arrival of an A-list movie celebrity; or in years past, of someone on the scale of the great Harry Houdini. The star of the evening - David Cameron, at a few days short of his 39th birthday an uncommonly young candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party - could have been forgiven for seeing himself as the Tory equivalent of the famed escape artist. Before the Blackpool party conference, the polls and pundits had suggested he would be lucky simply to stay in the race. But a dazzling campaign launch in London, followed by a conference speech compared to the finest flourishes of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan had transformed his fortunes. Cameron the also-ran was fast becoming Cameron the front-runner. As he relaxed into his chair alongside Observer columnist Andrew Rawnsley for a fringe meeting, Cameron exuded confidence. The cheers that greeted Rawnsley's introductory remarks made it clear this was an audience that wished the young pretender well, an audience that was ready to answer his Blackpool podium call to 'join me on a journey' to lead the party and the country into the future. Then came a 45-second exchange that could prove crucial in determining whether Cameron will secure the party leadership and get the chance of a shot at Downing Street. 'Did you use any drugs at Oxford?' Rawnsley asked. Amid nervous laughter from the audience, Cameron answered by not answering: 'There were things I did as a student that I don't think I should talk about now that I am a politician.' When Rawnsley, to more laughter, said: 'I can take that as a "yes",' Cameron held firm to his line: that was then. Life before politics is off limits. Yet far from burying the issue, Cameron's non-answer led this week to a series of ever more pointed questions about drug use - not only about experimenting with cannabis, to which politicians in all parties have owned up in recent years, but about Class-A drugs such as cocaine. For Cameron, the result was not only political pressure on a scale greater than anything he had encountered during four brief years as an MP. It was a personal crisis: according to close friends, one reason for his refusal to answer questions about drugs was the fact that a member of his immediate family had fought, and won, a battle against addiction. 'He was quite clear: if he said anything about drugs on the record, he felt that the media would see that as open season,' a senior campaign aide told The Observer yesterday. 'We knew, given David's age, that the question about drugs use was bound to come up. We discussed it in preparing for the Rawnsley interview, so we knew the line David was going to take. And we all thought, and think, he was right to do so.' But another top member of the campaign team added: 'This is not the kind of week we would have wished for.' The pressure began in earnest last Sunday, when Cameron was again asked - by Andrew Marr on BBC television - about drugs use. National newspapers, above all the Daily Mail, began to focus on Class A drugs - culminating in a full-page editorial calling on him to 'come clean'. As the issue took on prominence, it began to overshadow Cameron's steady advance in the leadership race. While publicly careful not to attack any of the rival candidates, Cameron confidants say privately they were convinced that much of the momentum behind the drugs story was being fed by supporters of the former front-runner: Shadow Home Secretary David Davis. The Davis camp deny any involvement. At a hustings for all leadership candidates on Wednesday before the right-wing 92 Committee - named after the address on Cheyne Walk where the group first met - it was expected that Cameron would be asked about drugs. He wasn't - but only because the former Chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, Cameron's rival for the centre-ground vote, was up first. The consummate politician, Clarke told the MPs it would be wrong to grill Cameron on the issue - but added that he had never taken cocaine. By mid-week, the Cameron campaign team - with one exception - was increasingly alarmed that the issue of what the Witney MP had taken, and when, might undo the careful strategy that had put him within reach of the party's leadership. 'The exception was David,' one of the inner circle said yesterday. 'He knew what was coming - and he was absolutely certain about what he was going to say.' The crucial media test - and potentially Cameron's greatest leadership risk - - came on Thursday night, when he agreed to go on the BBC's Question Time. His top aides and advisers were either watching nervously in the hall or huddled around TV sets ready to consult by phone once the ordeal was over. The Class A drugs question - this time from David Dimbleby - came, as they knew it would. Cameron answered - by not answering - as he had throughout the week. His fellow panelists were split over whether he should - or more realistically - could keep dodging the issue. 'But that wasn't what really mattered,' an MP at the centre of the Cameron campaign told The Observer. 'The point about going on Question Time was that he was putting himself in front of a public audience. And, yes, it was only this one audience, but it was clear that there was - and is - public sympathy for David's stand.' The audience clapped his answers. What was not so clear, the MP and other Cameron backers acknowledged yesterday, is precisely what effect the drugs question will have on his leadership ambitions. George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, is Cameron's campaign manager. He told The Observer that the team had always assumed that the key to his chances would lie in turning in extraordinary performances at his campaign launch, on the eve of the party conference, and in his conference speech. 'And, under enormous pressure, he did,' Osborne said. The launch, all soft lighting and mood music, overshadowed a stilted performance less than a mile away by Davis. At the conference, too, Cameron delivered poetry - even rival camps acknowledged - and Davis, prose. With the momentum inexorably favouring Cameron since the Blackpool conference, the danger in the drugs debate has been that it has given the other contenders - Davis, Clarke and the shadow foreign secretary Liam Fox - - a chance to turn the tide. 'The reason it has got so much attention,' said a Cameron campaign aide, 'is that our candidate has been doing well. The others see this as a chance to stop that.' Davis held his counsel - until a TV interview yesterday, in which he said a person who had used drugs 'recently' would not be fit to lead the party or the country. He added that he thought politicians should give 'straight answers' to such questions. Clarke, for his part, has reiterated the view that Cameron should be left alone - but invariably adding his own denial of ever using cocaine. In comments over the weekend, he pointedly drew a distinction between his own wealth of political experience and Cameron's brief stint in the Commons. The tacit message: in choosing a leader, inexperience is a risk not worth taking. Fox, firmly on the ideological right of the party, has strongly denied any drug use and added that, as a physician, he knows how serious the effects can be. As the contest enters its most critical phase - a final hustings for Tory MPs tomorrow, and the first round of their vote on a leader the next day - a top Cameron aide said 'the key for us is what David's handling of the question will be seen to have shown about his qualities as leader'. Cameron's camp is hoping - and, yesterday, was professing increasing confidence - that he might emerge strengthened from a week of 'terrible pressure on both him and his family'. Only two issues, said a senior Tory yet to declare for any candidate, could leave the Cameron camp in trouble: specific allegations in the media, 'quoting friends of friends,' about drugs use; or a backlash among ordinary Conservative members focusing on Cameron's relatively liberal record on drugs policy. In the MPs' leadership ballot, Davis and Cameron had a solid lead yesterday among those who have declared their preferences,. Since the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, a close-run battle is on between Clarke and Fox to secure third place. Assuming that the second MPs' ballot, scheduled for this Thursday, leaves a Davis-Cameron choice for the final vote by 300,000 Conservative members around the country, that contest could shape up as the older, more experienced, 'straight-talking Davis' against a youthful Cameron who has dodged questions about his past. Cameron's leading supporters insisted yesterday, however, that the message most people would take from last week's events was quite different. Michael Gove, the Times journalist turned MP, said: 'He's shown grace under pressure - under a degree of pressure I can't imagine any politician of David's age will have had to deal with.' Osborne spoke of a week - however unwelcome - that would be seen as 'a test of leadership character... You have got to be able, if you are leader of the party or the country, once you've made a decision, to stick to it.' Another member of Cameron's inner circle said that the significance of his response to the pressure - especially from the Daily Mail, the clarion voice of the Tory right - went far deeper. 'In every instance over the past decade - first with William Hague, then Iain Duncan Smith - the story of the Tories is that the Daily Mail group, various columnists and voices on the far right, have thrown leaders off course. David has demonstrated in his first week of national prominence that he will not be blown off course - a very powerful message to everyone within the Conservative party - and one of the key requirements in any leader.' Cameron remained unruffled yesterday - even when asked whether he would agree to our naming the relative who had faced such difficulties with drugs. Quietly, politely, firmly, he replied: 'I have made it clear to everyone that I simply won't comment on these questions.' He said he felt that he had 'come through it well. Every survey we've seen suggests that people understand and support the decision I've taken - and reports from the constituencies have also been extremely encouraging.' He was, he made clear, looking forward to the week ahead. Should politicians have to disclose whether they have taken illegal drugs? Isoken Gaius-Obaseki Lawyer from London I don't see that it's a problem as long as it doesn't impinge on their work. If they refuse to disclose certain details of their personal life, it could mean that they are aware that it might compromise their career. If a politician preaches a hard line on drugs and then is found to have been trying to cover his own slightly murky past, it shows him up as a hypocrite. There's also the problem of being discovered. If they keep the details of their private life from the public, then they should be aware of how often this sort of information is leaked or uncovered by newspapers. So it's both a moral and practical issue. It's very difficult for a prominent public official to hide his past. Martin Barnes Chief executive, DrugScope, a leading drug information charity People should have the right to keep it private. Whether or not somebody has used drugs in the past is really not relevant to their abilities and the job - or even the policy positions - they might take up today. If there are valid accusations of hypocrisy at a political level that may be different, but when it's simply on the issue of 'Have you used drugs in the past?' I think it's a distraction. I'm much more interested in hearing whether politicians understand the issue of drug misuse and what are their policy responses to what we all agree is a major social problem. The level of interest and discussion that's taken place is indicative of how difficult it can be to have an open and objective discussion about the drug issue. Part of the difficulty is that, when it comes to looking at drug policy, there's often more emotion or finger-pointing involved than a willingness to look at practical and sometimes difficult solutions. Sidney Blumenthal Former senior adviser to President Clinton If you get a high-level job in the federal government in the US, you have to disclose and you have to give a urine sample, which I did - and it turned out that it did not contain any evidence of the drugs I'd taken when I was a teenager. In American politics, it's become an irrelevant issue. Famously George Bush said: 'When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.' He drew a line under it and the press never followed. Although Clinton was ridiculed for saying, 'I never inhaled,' the issue never amounted to anything. Same for Al Gore. Amazingly in the country of on-going culture wars, drug use has fallen off the map. I think it's irrelevant. Who cares? I think there are some people whose politics might be improved if they were on drugs - or drink. A former cocaine user (Wishes to remain anonymous) Banker, City of London The truth is that people take drugs in their thousands. In the City, it is hard to find someone who hasn't. At Cambridge, drugs were rife, and I know the same was true at Oxford. David Cameron becomes a 'real life' Conservative when he evades the question and suggests an affirmative. It makes myself and my friends warm to him and hope that perhaps he will look at the issue more sensibly than just reacting to tabloid pressure on drugs. However I understand that an admission of drug use could hamper his chances of becoming the party leader, and would be twisted by his opponents to sell him as a liberal softie, so I fully respect his right to keep that issue private. I am sure some of the journalists hounding Cameron have dabbled themselves; everyone has a few vices in their past and everyone has a right to keep them to themselves. Lord Tebbit Conservative former Cabinet minister I think it matters very little if it's merely a question of having tried the odd bit of cannabis at university 20 or 30 years ago. If it's any deeper than that, then the public should know, because that might affect their attitude towards drug control. A prolonged time using a Class A drug is a matter that might reflect on the individual in a way that isn't the case with someone who experimented at university.You can't make a general rule on whether it makes them unfit for office. A friend of mine received treatment for cocaine addiction some years ago and is now a model citizen. People have been down the road and dug themselves out of it. Were that to be true of someone in public life, people tend to admire rather despise them. On the whole, the general rule for politicians is: if you've got a bit of a skeleton in the cupboard, then open the door a bit, because, if you don't, people are likely to think you've got a great collection of bones.' Janet Betts Anti-drugs campaigner and mother of Leah Betts, who died after taking ecstasy on her 18th birthday in 1995. On the whole, I would say, yes, they should. It makes a politician a more believable person, who understands more of the side of things that affects a lot of families. That doesn't make it right. Hopefully he learnt from it and doesn't do it now. That would be more worrying and it would make him unfit for office. A drug is a drug, but then somebody people would say, 'Well OK, so are alcohol and fags.' What winds me up about Kenneth Clarke is I always remember him when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer with a cigar in one hand a whisky in the other, totally flaunting it, and that put me off the man forever. In my mind, it would make a difference if a politician had been smoking cannabis, which many people do at university, or cocaine. But none of them is good. They could all affect his judgment now if he'd been doing it for any length of time. Lily Henderson Blackpool councillor chair of South Blackpool Conservative Association Every should care about the drugs issue. The children involved are getting younger and younger, and, if we don't set an example, it's a bigger problem. I personally feel terribly sorry for the experience David Cameron has had with a member of the family affected by drugs. We've had it in our own family, so I know how difficult it is. But, as for the question of whether he took drugs, if he did do it, I feel he should just come out and say it and move on. He says that people must be left to have private lives. But that is one thing you don't have once you enter the public domain, as anyone who has been involved in politics knows - you don't have a private life. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom