Pubdate: Thu, 20 Oct 2005
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2005 The Denver Post Corp
Author: Michael McCollum
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


A marijuana advocacy group on Wednesday removed a controversial photo of a 
woman's battered face from its billboard urging voters on Nov. 1 to 
legalize small amounts of marijuana.

But the group's message remains the same.

The nonprofit group, Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), 
replaced the controversial ad with a simple white billboard with the 
slogan: "Alcohol use makes domestic violence 8 times more likely ... 
Marijuana use does not. Vote yes on I-100."

If passed, I-100 would make it legal for anyone 21 or older to possess 1 
ounce or less of marijuana in Denver. It would not pre-empt state law, 
which makes possession a misdemeanor.

The SAFER group, which collected enough signatures to put the initiative on 
the November ballot, argues that marijuana is a safer alternative to 
alcohol by linking recreational pot use with a reduction in rates of 
domestic violence.

"We don't back down from the message," said Mason Tvert, 23, director of 
SAFER. "The ads were intended to be controversial, but we decided to take 
steps to ensure that the message was not drowned out by emotional reactions."

Domestic violence groups have accused SAFER of misleading the public and 
exploiting the tragedy of abused women for their own cause.

"They are providing inaccurate and bad information that is not helpful for 
said Rita Smith, executive director of the National Coalition Against 
Domestic Violence.

"I have seen no evidence that marijuana stops domestic violence," she said. 
"Alcohol can be a factor, but not a cause."

Tvert said he has been in contact with domestic-violence groups for months 
about the effects of alcohol on domestic violence and is surprised his 
group's message has caused a controversy.

"It's unfortunate they are upset and offended," he said. "It's domestic 
violence month and I have heard nothing about it until these billboards 
went up."

Smith said taking just one factor out of the equation makes little difference.

"Toking over drinking a martini will not change domestic violence," she said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom