Pubdate: Wed, 19 Oct 2005
Source: Surrey Now (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc., A Canwest Company
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


We Have A Problem With Larry Campbell's Comments About Crystal Meth Use.

At a weekend drug forum, the outgoing Vancouver mayor described as 
"garbage" the notion crystal meth is a huge Canadian problem.

It may not be massive here - yet - but it's coming, if U.S. evidence proves 
reality north of the border.

As described in a weekend series of stories in this newspaper, meth is a 
highly addictive street drug - easy to make, cheap to buy, and devastating 
to the health of those who use it and those who live next to a full-blown 
meth lab.

Soon-to-be-senator Campbell, whose term as Vancouver mayor will be marked 
by efforts to make free heroin available to addicts, says scare tactics and 
hype surrounding crystal meth should be replaced with housing and social 
services for addicts.

Scare tactics? Hype? Tell that to the recovering meth addict whose 
psychosis lingers and bank account sits empty. Tell that to Hazmat team 
members charged with cleaning up the mess left by a contaminated meth-lab site.

Campbell's comments only serve to further his political agenda - to 
establish safe-injection sites for heroin and cocaine addicts. It's almost 
as if an admission from Campbell of a potentially bigger crystal meth 
problem would derail that agenda.

Surrey appears serious about combatting the meth problem with the creation 
of SMART (Surrey Methamphetamine Regional Task Force), which involves 
police, fire, business, health and community leaders. Shame on Campbell, 
who has cast indirect and ill-timed doubt on the work of this group.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom