Pubdate: Sun, 23 Oct 2005
Source: Ottawa Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Lisa Lisle
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Users describe it as a miracle drug. For hours you're full of energy,
fearless and more in love with life, and yourself, than you've ever

It's the miracle cure for time management, weight problems and
depression. Methamphetamine truly is all things to all people, and
when you're using, you can be too.

Then you lose it all.

Coming off a high, users will sometimes sleep for 24 hours, they're
paranoid and depressed. And it seems the only cure is that same
miracle drug.

With more bang for your buck than cocaine, meth easily seduces its

"At first it does everything you want it to and then after a very
short period of time, you start doing everything it wants you to do,"
says Kenny Mervin, a recovering addict who cooked meth in a tiny rural
community in Iowa.

It seems to have seduced an entire nation into an epidemic.

Meth has seeped out of the biker bars and infiltrated the PTA,
corporate offices and high schools. With mom and pop labs sprouting up
throughout the U.S. since the early '90s, law enforcement is
struggling to keep up.

While the numbers are exponentially greater, the battle the U.S. has
been fighting for years mirrors the situation in Canada. Starting on
the West Coast, meth has been creeping across this country for the
past five years.

But with still small amounts of meth in Canada, is there something we
can learn from our neighbours to the south? Is there a way to get
ahead of the problem?

The Sun travelled to Iowa to learn how the situation there got so out
of control and what's being done to try to reverse it.

In the first day of a four-part series, we give you a tale of two
cities -- one in the Midwest and the other in rural Ontario -- as they
fight what often seems like a losing battle.

Tomorrow, you'll meet Lee, whose life spiralled out of control with
the second point of meth he used.

We'll also take a look at treatment programs and studies that show how
successful they can be.

Just how easy is it to get your hands on meth?

We head to the stores to see how easy it is to buy all the ingredients
you need. Mervin will also tell us what needs to be done to make it a
little harder and, along with other experts, what we should be doing
to get the situation under control.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin