Pubdate: Fri, 21 Oct 2005
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Darcy Henton
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Colleen Klein will lead a new task force aimed at tackling the scourge of 
crystal meth, Alberta's premier announced in Red Deer last night.

Ralph Klein said his wife will work with a team of health officials, 
police, lawyers, aboriginal leaders and others to tackle the growing problem.

"My wife, Colleen, and I have learned a lot about this drug in the past 
year and what we've learned is pretty scary," Klein said in his annual 
premier's dinner in Red Deer. "The impacts of crystal meth affect every 
single Albertan."

He said even people who never come in contact with the drug will pay for it 
in the price of extra policing needed to combat crime and increased costs 
of health care and social services for addicts.

Klein didn't have details about the membership or terms of reference of the 
task force, but he said it will work with AADAC and provide advice to 

"It will get into the community to see what's going on and what we need to 
do," he said.

Klein said the task force's focus will be on protecting young Albertans 
from the dangers of the drug.

"This has been a focus of Colleen's volunteer work with children and youth 
and it's something she's very passionate about," he said.

In addition to the task force, the province is launching a "hard-hitting" 
education program aimed at youth and has just opened a new 24-bed youth 
treatment facility, Klein said.

It is also spearheading mandatory treatment for drug-addicted youth and a 
bill to charge traffickers who expose children to meth labs, he said.

Liberal health critic Laurie Blakeman said the province hasn't been doing a 
very good job of funding and promoting activities for youth, particularly 
in rural areas. But she applauded the appointment.

"His appointing Colleen Klein shows he is taking the problem seriously," 
Blakeman said.
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