Pubdate: Sat, 05 Nov 2005
Source: New York Post (NY)
Copyright: 2005 N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc.
Author: Kenneth Lovett In Albany And Murray Weiss & Marsha Kranes In New York


Beleagured former NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Timoney bailed his 
son out of jail via speakerphone in an Albany courtroom yesterday -- 
coming to the aid of the second of his two children to be arrested on 
drug charges.

Listening as her dad's no-nonsense voice echoed through the court was 
the daughter Timoney arrested and rescued from heroin abuse a dozen years ago.

An emotional Christine Timoney, 27, was there to support her brother, 
Sean, 25, who was arrested Tuesday night in a Rockland County hotel 
after he and an associate allegedly handed a federal drug agent 
$450,000 as a down payment for 400 pounds of marijuana.

Also in court for Sean was his mother Noreen, Christine's fiance and an uncle.

But Sean's father was in Miami, where he is chief of police.

He felt it would be inappropriate for him to appear in court because 
it might suggest he was using his position to influence the outcome 
of the case, said a source close to the family.

He opted to support his son from afar -- by providing a top lawyer, 
his longtime friend Ed Hayes, and by putting up his $500,000 Miami 
condo as bond.

Sean drifted away from his family years ago, sources said.

But his father never gave up on him and won't give up on him now, a 
former NYPD chief and close friend of the family told The Post.

The friend recalled when Christine was in her mid-teens and addicted to heroin.

"John saved Christine numerous times, getting her to hospitals or 
rehab. His response never wavered. He always responded to help her, 
relapse after relapse.

"It became more debilitating and frustrating for him to respond, but 
time after time, he went to her side. Fatherly love was much stronger 
than his tough law-enforcement image.

"He knew, or hoped, that age would rescue her. But he had to keep her 
alive through her teens to get there," the friend said.

Today, Christine is doing well. She moved to Brooklyn last year after 
graduating from college in Florida. She's engaged to be married and 
close to her parents.

Sean enrolled in college in Philadelphia in 1999, when his father was 
police chief there, but he dropped out after two years.

He remained behind in Philly when his father's career took the rest 
of his family to Florida, a family source said.

"Sean distanced himself from John . . . despite John's attempts to 
heal any rifts," the friend said.

But "just as he kept hope alive with Christine, he is immersed in 
helping Sean, despite their differences or distance," he said.

Timoney refused to discuss his son's arrest. Christine and Noreen 
also refused to comment.

But Noreen Timoney had kind words -- and a big hug -- for her son 
when he walked out of jail late yesterday afternoon.

Under the terms of his release, Sean will be returning to 
Philadelphia, where he'll be required to hold a job and report 
regularly to a federal probation officer.

The court also ordered him to surrender his handgun. Both he and his 
co-defendant, Jae Seu, 22, of Glenside, Pa., are charged with 
conspiracy to possess and distribute marijuana and face up to 40 
years behind bars and a fine of up to $2 million if convicted.
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