Pubdate: Sun, 06 Nov 2005
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Darcy Henton


RED DEER -- Alberta Tories are calling for tougher enforcement
measures to crack down on crystal meth use, even though they concede
it won't be enough to fix the problem.

The round-table debate over the meth scourge packed in the biggest
crowd at the party's annual policy conference in Red Deer yesterday,
with most participants calling for longer sentences for drug pushers
and new child endangerment legislation.

But some Tory delegates warned that education and treatment are
equally important to stem the epidemic.

"Obviously, we need more youth treatment," said Red Deer South MLA
Mary Anne Jablonski. "We have beds in Edmonton and Calgary and we
don't have beds anywhere else."

While some of the 400 Tory delegates debated crystal meth, other round
tables looked at a long list of other issues ranging from water
quality to fixed election dates.

Jablonski, who introduced a successful private member's bill last
spring to force young meth addicts into treatment, said she was
encouraged by the interest shown by party members from the 83
provincial ridings in attacking meth use.

"We had standing room only. Obviously this is an issue we're all
concerned about. If we have this amount of interest, maybe we will
reach our kids somehow."

She said there's more to it than having police smash down the doors of
drug houses.

"I think the law plays a part, but I don't think there is one
solution," added delegate Robin Donahue. "We can legislate and make
harsher penalties, but somehow we have to decrease the demand for it.

"I think we have to look to our communities and parents and education
system and do our best as a society to make sure kids are getting the
knowledge and education. There are a lot of routes we can take to get
that message to kids."

Klein, who has appointed his wife Colleen to head a crystal meth task
force, wrapped up the conference saying that he was touched by the
"the serious and compassionate discussion on crystal meth.

"It's extremely important that families and individuals support the
government in the fight against drug use, including crystal meth," he
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