Pubdate: Wed, 09 Nov 2005
Source: Vancouver 24hours (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005, Canoe Inc
Author: Sam Cooper, 24 hours	


Dunbar residents are telling city councillors not to even think about
putting supportive housing for drug addicts in their community.

Following the city's purchase of land at Dunbar and 16th for $3.3
million this year, Vancouver housing planner, Rob Whitlock, told
members of the Dunbar Resident's Association (DRA) "chances are very
good" the site could be used to house and treat low income people with
drug addictions or mental illnesses.

Whitlock said he made the comment because council asked his department
to look at spreading drug treatment services throughout the city,
instead of only concentrating them in the Downtown Eastside.

If the supportive housing project goes forward in Dunbar, it could
include 25 family units, or 50 singles units, or 35 seniors units,
says Whitlock.

"We are doing a study with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority to look
at where the needs are in the city, and if it concludes there is a
need (for supportive housing) there, we would recommend it to
council," Whitlock said. "The study will finish in spring 2006."

DRA vice-president Linda MacAdam said 300 turned out in Dunbar Monday
night to grill incumbent councillors on their plans for the parcel of

"The residents of Dunbar feel the city council is just steam rolling
their agenda into our neighbourhood," MacAdam said. "The politicians
are dancing around saying we've bought it and not decided what to do

MacAdam said the community is concerned about area children being
exposed to addicts with mental illnesses and condo developers are
worried about difficulty selling units already being built in the area.

Asked if the DRA's concerns are valid, Whitlock said, "The experience
with the triage center at 39th and Fraser indicated no evidence of
difficulties with supportive housing."

But DRA president Mike Andruff said his group will punish current
councillors for their handling of the issue.

"We are saying don't vote for the incumbents, vote for independents
who support proper civic advocacy," Andruff said.
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MAP posted-by: Derek