Pubdate: Sat, 12 Nov 2005
Source: Tribune, The (CA)
Copyright: 2005 The Tribune
Author:  Associated Press


OAKLAND, Calif. - Police are investigating the death of a man who had 
just been arrested for dealing drugs.

A preliminary autopsy found that Patrick Gaston, 34, may have died of 
asphyxiation after swallowing a plastic bag of drugs, Oakland police 
Sgt. Tony Jones said Friday. The exact cause of death has not been 
determined, but Jones said trauma and heart attack were ruled out.

Neighbors and witnesses, including Gaston's mother, said they believe 
Gaston was beaten or choked and police did not help him when he 
stopped breathing.

Gwendolyn Gaston said her son never resisted arrest.

"He was handcuffed," she said. "He was slammed to the ground, and 
they kept beating him. ... They didn't stop beating him until I said 
they were killing him."

Gaston said she called 911 because the police didn't help her son, 
even when he crumpled to the ground.

Police said Gaston fell to the ground before he was handcuffed and 
struggled against six officers as they arrested him for selling 
heroin to an undercover officer. The six officers involved were 
placed on administrative leave while the department investigates.

Jones said one of the officers hit Gaston on both sides of his body 
and kneed him, but he said no one kicked or choked him. The autopsy 
found no swelling or bruising on his head, he said.

Gaston had a previous drug-related conviction and was on probation 
when he tried to sell heroin to an undercover officer, police said.
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