Pubdate: Mon, 14 Nov 2005
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2005 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Author: Paul Lashmar and Rosie Cowan
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methadone)


. Customs Officers Claim Investigations Scaled Back . No New Cases In 
Run-Up To Launch Of FBI-Style Agency

Investigations into drug trafficking are being drastically scaled 
back in the run-up to the launch of a crime fighting agency next 
April, according to senior Customs sources. They claim that Customs' 
six heroin-targeting squads - which have 18 members each - are 
winding down operations to pave the way for the FBI-style Serious and 
Organised Crime Agency, which will tackle drug and people trafficking.

Roy Clark, the director of criminal investigations, HM Revenue and 
Customs (the Inland Revenue merged with Customs and Excise earlier 
this year), denied the allegations when contacted by the Guardian.

However, several sources, who did not want to be named, said they 
fear more heroin could flood into Britain and leading heroin 
traffickers could evade detection as the Customs teams, many of which 
have recently completed big cases, are not taking on new work. An 
estimated 40 tonnes of heroin reach Britain every year, every kilo of 
which is said to generate 200 other crimes. Street prices are at 
their lowest - in Sheffield it sells for UKP25 a gram.

One source warned that putting intelligence-gathering work "on hold", 
even for a few months, risked losing valuable momentum in the battle 
against drugs.

Investigators say they have been ordered to restrict their work 
intake. A senior manager told staff: "That does not mean nothing will 
be taken on, but it has to be something special."

Customs' four cocaine-targeting teams are all engaged in outstanding 
cases. But it is understood if they finish these cases before April 
they will also be told to "stand at ease".

"Why?" queried one former officer. "Maybe a chance to reduce the HMRC 
drug seizures so that Soca can announce a 10-fold increase and say 
what a good idea setting Soca up was. Nobody can give a reasonable 
explanation otherwise."

Another source claimed Customs officers are not to take inquiries 
with them when they join Soca. "Soca is not taking any legacy cases. 
If anyone is going to Soca they leave any investigation behind or 
stay until the investigation is finished."

In a statement, Mr Clark refuted the claims. "Investigators from HMRC 
remain fully committed to heroin operations and will continue to be 
so during the period when staff and ongoing operations are passed to 
Soca. There will be no drop in efforts or operational effectiveness 
in the lead-up to the creation of Soca."

David Raynes, executive councillor to the National Drug Prevention 
Alliance and a former Customs assistant chief investigation officer, 
said: "If it is correct, that Customs heroin investigators are 
sitting idle, it will seriously aggravate hard drugs supply in the UK."

Susan Kramer, a Liberal Democrat MP on the Treasury select committee, 
added: "We should not have a 'go slow' on hunting down drug 
traffickers. The government must look into these allegations."

Another source claimed Customs officers are not to take inquiries 
with them to Soca. "If anyone is going to Soca they leave any 
investigation behind or stay until the investigation is finished."

Soca, to be chaired by former MI5 boss Sir Stephen Lander, will 
absorb the National Crime Squad (NCS), the National Crime 
Intelligence Service (NCIS) and parts of Customs and Immigration. It 
will employ civilians in areas such as finance and computers.

Counting The Cost

. The UK's estimated annual supply of heroin and cocaine is worth UKP4bn.

. There are 749 deaths annually from heroin and methadone use.

. Seizure rates of 60%-80% are needed to have a serious impact on the 
flow of drugs into Britain, but 20% has been achieved.

. Annual cost of crimes committed by drug users to support cocaine 
and heroin habits has reached UKP16bn a year, UKP24bn if health and 
social services costs are included.
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