Pubdate: Wed, 16 Nov 2005
Source: New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2005 New Zealand Herald
Author: Kevin Taylor
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Green MP Nandor Tanczos has been removed from the party's cannabis law
reform role on his suggestion after he concluded he had become an
obstacle to change.

The caucus decided yesterday that he will take over the vital
environment portfolio from party leader Jeanette Fitzsimons.

The cannabis law reform role, which saw the dreadlocked list MP come
under sustained attack since he was first elected to Parliament in
1999, will be taken over by Metiria Turei at Mr Tanczos' suggestion.

Ms Turei said she did not smoke cannabis but had been involved in the
law reform movement for 10 years and was sixth on the Aotearoa
Legalise Cannabis Party list in 1996.

The 35-year-old smoked cannabis from 15 to 21 but said she found it
unpleasant and stopped.

Mr Tanczos said he had come to the conclusion he had become an
obstacle to change on the cannabis issue. The MP advocated allowing
users and growers of small amounts of cannabis to face $100 instant
fines rather than criminal conviction.

"It's got to the ridiculous situation where no matter how moderate the
proposal, if it's put forward by me it's immediately opposed by a
whole lot of people.

"It's also become an obstacle to me in that many people can't see
beyond cannabis law reform when they look at me. So here's an
opportunity for me to step aside from that."

The policy has long been a bugbear for the Greens, with some in the
party thinking it has detracted from core environmental messages.

Asked if taking over the environment role indicated he would put
himself forward for the co-leadership, Mr Tanczos said he was
undecided but admitted it was a possibility.

A new co-leader - who by the party's rules must be male - has to be
elected at an annual meeting, the next of which is currently scheduled
for June next year.

Ms Fitzsimons said the party would soon have to decide whether to call
a special general meeting to elect Mr Donald's replacement before next

"In my view there's no harm in taking some time over it. It's not like
we are left leaderless in the meantime."

She said Mr Tanczos had never just been about cannabis but the media
had pigeon-holed him and not covered anything else he had done.

"I think a lot of people couldn't distinguish the message from the

"It is really disappointing that so many people see hair as so
important, rather than the message."

She was handing environment over partly because of her increased
workload. As well as the increased leadership burden, she will have to
take Rod Donald's place on the finance and expenditure select
committee as well as pick up the finance role.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin