Pubdate: Thu, 10 Nov 2005
Source: Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005, BC Newspaper Group
Author: Darrell Bellaart
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Mike Hunter is ready to push for more resources to help crystal meth
addicts go clean.

Hunter heads up the Crystal Meth Task Force and he heard a resounding
message that addicts have nowhere to turn when they want to get off
the drug.

A recent public forum was staged to tell the public about the group's
plans to launch a public education program on the dangers of crystal

But what members heard that night sent the group in a new

"What's making the difference here is all these people - recovering
addicts who bring passion and emotion to this that you can't escape."
Hunter said.

"They're not shy about letting you know what's needed."

Last spring the Vancouver Island Health Authority allocated another
$350,000 to adult addiction treatment, enough funding for another six
bed in the central and north Island, for a total of 18.

That was partly due to Hunter's lobbying as Nanaimo MLA. But Hunter
recently met with VIHA asking for even more resources.

"We had a very encouraging meeting with Vancouver Island Health
Authority I think, so I'm going to take a week to do some other stuff
and then get back at this and hopefully start to work on the action
plan," Hunter said.

"The objective here is to be able to have a treatment system that,
when an addict makes that decision that they want to get out of the
lifestyle - when the light goes on - we need to be able to get them
through that door and into the treatment community.

"And right now we're not able to accomplish that. So I think we know
what the problem is, just finding the answer is going to take a little
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake