Pubdate: Sat, 19 Nov 2005
Source: Richmond Review, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Richmond Public Library
Author: Martin van den Hemel
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine - Canada)


Grow-Op Rules Hold Landlords Accountable For Costs

A new grow-op bylaw intended to send a serious message to landlords,
property managers and homeowners has barely registered a peep since
its inception.

But that promises to change this week.

Enacted on July 1, Richmond politicians had touted the property
maintenance and repair bylaw as an indication they weren't going to
tolerate the proliferation of marijuana grow-ops and more recently,
methamphetamine labs. And that property owners and managers would be
held accountable.

Yet despite the numerous grow-ops busted by the Richmond RCMP since
Oct. 1-property owners were given a 90-day grace period to conduct
their first inspection following the bylaw's July introduction-not a
single fine has been levied by the city.

City spokesperson Kim Decker said the bylaw is intended to be both
preventative and punitive, but to date nobody has been hit with a hefty

But Mayor Malcolm Brodie said that will change by week's end. He said
there have been seven busts of grow ops since Oct. 1, and those
property owners will be billed under the bylaw.

Those busts have been of average size, Brodie said, and the property
owners may be on the hook for $1,000 to $3,000. Homeowners will be
billed by mail, and if they don't pay, they will find the amount added
later to their property taxes.

While Brodie said it will be challenging to compile the costs
associated with busts, that work will need to be done in order for the
bylaw to act as a deterrent as well as a reminder to the community of
the dangers associated with grow ops.

"We feel it's an important step in taking action and we feel most
serious about it, I can tell you."

Coun. Kiichi Kumagai said he will insist that the city vigorously
pursue cost recovery.

"It is a serious message to the landlords," Kumagai

Coun. Linda Barnes, chair of the city's community safety committee,

Following the initial public awareness effort, which has now passed,
Barnes said the city will get tough.

"After the three months, I'm serious and I expect that bylaw to be
enforced. We mean business."

Under the bylaw, property owners can be pursued for "all direct and
indirect costs" incurred by Richmond Fire-Rescue, the Richmond RCMP,
the city's business licensing and building approval departments, as
well as costs for dismantling, removal, clean up, transportation and
storage as well as disposal of equipment, substances, materials and
other paraphernalia.

Barnes said it's her understanding that the delay in assessing fines
is the result of staff wanting to ensure "all their ducks are in a
row" before proceeding with legal action.

Richmond RCMP Cpl. Peter Thiessen said that in order for the bylaw to
be preventative, it needs to be enforced, which means it must be punitive.

"It is our hope this bylaw would be enforced whenever possible, when
factors dictate it can be enforced."

Thiessen said police and the city continue to work closely together on
this endeavour.

He said the two meth labs busted on No. 5 Road and Steveston Highway
in September are two of the primary targets.

Efforts are underway to determine all the costs associated with that
bust, which Thiessen estimated will easily reach into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

As an indication of the steep costs for drug investigations, Thiessen
gave a couple of examples. The protective suits worn by the
firefighters and members of the RCMP's meth lab people cost between
$700 and $800 each, and 100 suits were used during those two massive
September busts. Some $6,000 worth of protective gloves were needed,
he said.

All of the agencies involved in the investigation have been asked by
the city to submit their costs, for such things as wages, Thiessen

Meanwhile, the community continues to assist police in their war on
grow ops, he noted.

Earlier this month, neighbours helped the RCMP uncover a grow-op in a
brand new townhouse complex at the 10000 block of Odlin Road. On Nov.
3, the city's green team found 140 plants inside the unit.

"The early location and dismantling of this grow operation was due to
the diligence of the complex residents and their concern for their
community," Thiessen said.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin