Pubdate: Mon, 21 Nov 2005
Source: Tide, The (Nigeria)
Copyright: 2005 The Tide
Author: Albert Oghaka
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


The jinx surrounding the sleepy but notorious Abbi Town in Ndokwa West
Council Area, where cannabis (Indian hemp) farmlands abound has been broken
by Delta State Command of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).

The Tide sources revealed that the agency, with a combined team of the
Nigerian Army and Police invaded the town, arresting 26 suspected drug
peddlers and seizing over 5,166 kg of Carnabis Sativa at Abbi.

The combined team, which comprised of 32 officers and men of the Nigerian
Army, 16 mobile policemen and 43 NDLEA officers on Monday carried out the
operation - burning down two warehouses loaded with over ten tons of the
drug substance.

The source further revealed that two barons in the Indian hemp business,
Austin Akposa and Chief Francis Abina however escaped while the other 26
dealers were arrested along with two seized truck loads of cannabis sativa.

Reacting to the breakthrough, the NDLEA State Commander, Mr. Aju Ameh noted
that there was no hiding place for drug traffickers in the state, adding
that with the co-operation of the army, the police and the SSS, the
clamp-down would be a success.

Commander Ameh also revealed that, the recent arrest of the 26 suspects
brought the total number of arrests within the state from January to
November to 251 out of which, 120 have been arraigned at the Federal High
Court in Benin, Edo State.

He added that, a total seizure of 8,666 kilogrammes from the illicit drug
dealers in the state was recorded over the period by the NDLEA in its bid
to dismantle the Abbi stronghold.

The NDLEA state commander therefore advised the drug dealers to take
advantage of the laudable farm projects of Delta State government, which
according to him is more legal and self-sustaining.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D