Pubdate: Wed, 23 Nov 2005
Source: Malay Mail (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2005 The New Straits Times Press
Author: Azman Abdul Ghani
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


Police believe they have uncovered a syndicate dealing in cocaine
following the arrest of two African nationals and the seizure of the
drug in Jalan Kuchai Lama on Monday night.

The two, aged 25 and 26, who claimed to be from South Africa, were
detained separately for the possession of 17 packets of a substance
believed to be cocaine.

The Malay Mail learnt that the last time city police made a cocaine
seizure was in 2002. They found 40 capsules containing the drug in the
stomach of a Nigerian national.

The Nigerian reportedly collapsed in Jalan Ampang and was taken to the
Kuala Lumpur Hospital where he died.

A post mortem uncovered the drugs, which were packed in capsules, in
his stomach.

Police are now trying to ascertain if this latest seizure, weighing
about 20 grammes, was meant for distribution among fellow African
nationals here or whether it has made its way into the local dadah

City narcotics department chief Assistant Commissioner Othman Harun
described this latest development as worrying.

"So far, the use of cocaine in the country is not too apparent. It is
an exclusive drug. It is expensive and is popular in Western
countries," Othman said.

"We want to ascertain if there is a network here run by the suspects
and their accomplices."

The arrest of the two makes it four African nationals detained so far
this year by city police for their involvement in the dadah trade.

They have been remanded for a week to facilitate investigations. Both
are being investigated under Section 12 of the Dangerous Drug Act 1952
for possession.

Checks revealed that the duo, who have valid travel documents, entered
the country through Thailand two weeks ago.

Othman said the first arrest was made at 9pm at a condominium in Jalan
Kuchai Lama. The police team arrested the 26-year-old man and found 15
packets in his possession. The team also seized several fake watches
from the suspect.

Two hours later, police stop the second suspect less than a kilometre
away and seized two packets of the white powdery substance from him.
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