Pubdate: Tue, 29 Nov 2005
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2005 The New York Times Company
Author: Ginger Thompson
Note: Antonio Betancourt contributed reporting for this article.


MEXICO CITY - In an effort to fight harder against a growing domestic 
drug problem, President Vicente Fox announced Monday that the 
Constitution had been amended to allow local officials to investigate 
certain federal crimes, including drug trafficking.

Currently all drug-related crimes, even low-level street deals, are 
considered federal offenses, and only federal agents are empowered to 
enforce laws against them. The authorities have long complained that 
there are not enough federal officers - about 20,000 - to stop the 
huge loads of drugs being shipped through this country to the United 
States, much less to stop the growth in small-time dealing on the streets.

In a news conference on Monday, Eduardo Medina Mora, the secretary of 
public security, said Congress approved the change to the 
Constitution earlier this month so that state and local police 
forces, which employ an estimated 380,000 officers, would be able to 
join the drug war. Mr. Medina said he was confident the reforms would 
take effect next month, when Congress is expected to pass changes to 
the criminal code to accommodate the constitutional changes.

"The problem of drug dealing is a problem that has not only taken on 
important dimensions, but it is also a problem that affects in an 
essential way our communities and our families," Mr. Medina said. 
"And it should be precisely community instruments that are used to 
confront the problems in its midst."

Mr. Medina also announced a deal with the Mexican telephone monopoly, 
Telmex, aimed at stopping inmates from making threatening calls from 
prisons. According to the agreement to be signed Tuesday, a recorded 
message would identify calls made from the more than 1,000 pay phones 
in prisons in Mexico City and the State of Mexico, and allow the 
person receiving the call an opportunity to accept or hang up.

Mexico has had little success at stopping inmates from sneaking 
cellphones into jail. But now, under an agreement with the nation's 
cellphone companies, all cellphone transmissions from jails and 
prisons would be blocked.

During this year alone, federal authorities have reported thousands 
of calls from inmates threatening people or attempting extortion. 
Often, law enforcement authorities said, inmates have called wealthy 
or middle-class people, threatening to kidnap them or their children.

Law enforcement authorities said one inmate, Jose Luis Canchola, 
directed the kidnapping of a popular soccer coach, Ruben Omar Romano, 
from prison. Mr. Omar was rescued in September after two months.
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