Pubdate: Tue, 29 Nov 2005
Source: Modesto Bee, The (CA)
Copyright: 2005 The Modesto Bee
Author: Linda Taylor


Regarding "Planners reject ban of medical pot sales" (Nov. 22, Page 
A-1): As an anti-drug activist, I'm furious and outraged. Over the 
summer, I met with Police Chief Roy Wasden and other members of his 
staff. I was assured that the city of Modesto would indeed ban 
marijuana dispensaries. For that reason, I did not attend the Nov. 21 meeting.

Marijuana dispensaries must be banned. Drug legalization advocates 
such as the Drug Policy Alliance, The Marijuana Policy Project and 
NORML have one goal in mind -- to legalize all drugs. Their carefully 
crafted words and their use of our compassionate nature is nothing 
more than a ploy to legalize marijuana as medicine.

Marijuana is not medicine; it is an illegal drug with dire 
consequences. Smoking one marijuana cigarette is the same as smoking 
10 tobacco cigarettes. Recent research has linked marijuana to mental 
illness and brain damage. This drug is especially dangerous for our 
youth, as it has been linked as a gateway drug. What kind of a 
message is this for our children?

Call members of the Modesto City Council and ask them to vote No on 
the medical marijuana lie.

Linda Taylor


Editor's note: The City Council is scheduled to consider this issue 
on Dec. 6. The council meets at 5:30 p.m. in the basement of Tenth 
Street Place. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake