Pubdate: Wed, 07 Dec 2005
Source: Badger Herald (U of WI, Madison, WI Edu)
Copyright: 2005 Badger Herald
Author: Darryl Schnell
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The push to replace Echnaton Vedder on the Dane County Board of 
Supervisors has become a three-dog race.

University of Wisconsin freshman and member of the Student Services 
Financial Committee David Lapidus announced his candidacy for the 
board's District 5 Tuesday. He said, as a supervisor, he and the rest 
of the board hold sway over Dane County law enforcement.

"I will make the effort to make the county not enforce 
controlled-substance laws for marijuana," he said. "The board is very 
influential over the Dane County Sheriff's Office and can influence 
their enforcement."

Lapidus said as a member of SSFC, he is sensitive to the issues and 
needs of his constituents - mainly students living on the west side of campus.

"I will pledge half my salary, which I think is $7,000, to the UW 
[SAFEride cab] to keep it going," Lapidus said. "Without funding, 
[SAFEride cab] won't exist anymore. I will also encourage the board 
to fund it, too, because the program provides a service beneficial to 
the county."

According to Lapidus, another key issue he will address if elected is 
the cleanliness of Madison's lakes. He said candidates for the board 
have always pledged to aid the lakes, but, when elected, have not 
followed through with their promises.

"I would like to fund the creation of a staff whose job it would be 
to deal with the lakes," he said.

Lapidus said he has past experience that qualifies him to represent 
District 5 on the board, pointing mainly to his two years of service 
under Illinois State Rep. Elizabeth Coulson, R-Glenview.

"My junior and senior years in high school, I worked for Beth 
Coulson, dealing with state issues in Illinois," he said. "I learned 
how to run a campaign, and I also learned about politics in a 
grassroots way, where the politician can still actually make a 
difference. I also learned about the importance of character for a politician."

He said his experience with Coulson has influenced his platform, 
which is generally to be accountable, responsible and honest in his governing.

Lapidus said he is different from Adam Korn and Ashok Kumar, his 
competitors in the race for seat as supervisor, in his general stance 
on politics.

"We all have experience in different ways," he said. "However, while 
the other candidates, it seems, think the government is the only 
entity that can make a change in society, I believe in getting 
individual citizens the freedom they need to make their own changes."

According to Lapidus, there are some issues with which the government 
must get involved, but some local politicians tend to overstep their 
bounds. It is much more important to be a more libertarian 
politician, he added.

UW sophomore Adam Korn, one of Lapidus' competitors, will hold a 
press conference to officially announce his candidacy for District 5 
supervisor Thursday.

UW student Lauren Mielziner, Korn's campaign manager, said he boasts 
experience working for Rep. Terese Berceau, D-Madison, and is pushing 
environmental and student issues.

"Adam is very environmentally focused. He will do his best to clean 
up Madison's lakes," Mielziner said. "He will also make sure students 
have access to emergency contraception."

Korn's announcement is at 4 p.m. at the Red Gym.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman