Pubdate: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 Source: Washington Post (DC) Page: B06 Copyright: 2005 The Washington Post Company Contact: Details: Author: Howard J. Wooldridge Referenced: DRUG LAWS DON'T WORK As a police detective in Michigan, I was fully aware of the problems that the Prince George's County police face ["Bullets Keep Flying," editorial, Dec. 7]. I learned that drug laws generated about 75 percent of my caseload and that nonviolent felonies often were not investigated because of lack of time. Switzerland has cut its felony crime in half by having the state regulate and sell heroin to addicts in a government program. What part of drug prohibition is making Prince George's County a safer place to live? Will we ever be as wise as our grandparents and end drug prohibition? Howard J. Wooldridge Frederick The writer is a director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake