Pubdate: Sat, 17 Dec 2005
Source: Richmond Review, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Richmond Public Library
Author: Martin van den Hemel, staff reporter


The arrest of two employees at the Vancouver International Airport
several weeks ago is linked to a major RCMP criminal investigation
into drug smuggling, CTV News reported last week.

The pair, which CTV News reported were working as a baggage handler
and a high-level manager, were at the time employed by Servisair Globe
Ground and are being investigated for allegedly smuggling drugs on

The investigation is apparently being conducted by the RCMP's border
integrity team.

RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Tom Seaman said a report has been completed and
is before federal Crown prosecutors at the Department of Justice.

Since the airport is under federal jurisdiction, the federal
department of justice has become involved.

Seaman wouldn't say when the arrests were made, how many people were
arrested, or whether the investigation has become national or
international in scope. He did say the investigation is ongoing
despite the report being completed and that a decision on charges
might come soon.

Servisair acknowledged that it is aware of the RCMP investigation into
what it termed as a "former employee".

"There has been no impact on...operations," the company said. "As the
investigation is ongoing, Servisair/GlobeGround will not make any
further public comments..."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin