Pubdate: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 Source: Similkameen Spotlight (CN BC) Copyright: 2005 Similkameen Spotlight Contact: Details: Author: Carla Clark DRUG FREE IF YOU ARE SMART The signs around town state that this community is a 'drug free zone.' Is it? Considering our little corner of the world, illicit drug use is alive, well, and living in Princeton. Or shall we make that 'dying' in Princeton. There's so much action in 'my' corner of this pristine little hamlet, that I'm considering making a few extra bucks providing valet parking for the endless line-up of customers who converge on the property at a moment's notice. Hey, maybe the Town of Princeton should install parking meters - 15 minutes a shot and by Christmas next year, it can afford to finance a Detox Center right here in Town! It is a common belief that if the people who use crystal meth have any idea what the ingredients were and the conditions it is made under, they would never touch the stuff-or would they? Did it ever occur to you that while you're shooting/smoking/snorting Drano (drain cleaner), Antihistamines (stimulant), Acetone (a re-agent that helps in the process of producing the Meth Amphetamine) and a number of other miscellaneous toxic 'industrial chemicals' (yes industrial), your body and mind is turned into a battle zone. The casualties can't be counted as yet, however, users persist and the stats will be in. It is widely known in the medical community that when crystal meth is smoked, it's vapor 're-crystallizes' in the users lungs. What does 're-crystalize' mean? Listen up - your drug of choice turns back into a crystal (however, nothing you can hang on your Christmas tree). The reality is that small pieces of glass shards work through the body via the skin, thus accounting for the open sores/pick marks on the users face, arms and chest areas. Pretty, huh? Attractive to you? Not to mention it's low, affordable pricing and almost instant addiction powers Doesn't that just make you want to join in, just like Cubby, Annette and Roy in the Mickey Mouse Club. Hey, within a short couple of months (that's eight weeks, kids), the calcium in your bones and teeth are depleted and is for the most part, not recoverable. Say cheese! Talk about Ecstasy! Teeth falling out of your mouth, Osteoporosis-..what a fantastic high! And just for approximately five small chuckle-bucks a pop! Hey, that's cheaper than a pack of smokes! Whoooo! Life is grand and it doesn't ever have to be the same again! (And it never will, believe me). Lucky, lucky you! My advice to you is to take a before and after photo of yourself (call me if you need help in that department). Did I wish you a wonderful season yet? If not, it still can be. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin