Pubdate: Sat, 17 Dec 2005
Source: Phoenix, The (PA)
Copyright: The Phoenix 2005
Author: Dennis J. Wright
Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.)


PHOENIXVILLE - Fifty students of Holy Family School who participated in the 
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program officially graduated from 
the course, sponsored by the Phoenixville Police Department, at a ceremony 
at the school Friday afternoon.

Corporal Robert I. Sutton, Jr. and Officer Patrick Mark spent 8 weeks 
teaching the children enrolled in the program about the dangers of drugs, 
alcohol and violence.

Along with an estimated 100 family and friends, in attendance at the 
ceremony was Mayor Leo Scoda, Holy Family principal Mrs. Patricia Dura and 
class teachers Mrs. Lisa McCarthy and Mrs. Joan M. Rook.

During his introduction, Mayor Scoda asked the children in attendance if 
they still believe in Santa Claus. With a majority of the hands raised to 
the air, Scoda informed them that their beliefs will be tested.

"It is nice to see so many of you still believe in Santa Claus," said 
Scoda. "As you get older, your beliefs will be tested by others. Do not 
fall to peer pressure, and make good decisions on your own."

Corporal Sutton thanked Mrs. McCarthy's class for being good students and 
being attentive.

"This is a good group of kids," said Sutton. "You make me happy when I see 
all that you've learned over the weeks."

Two graduates of Sutton's class, Meghan Murphy and Sean Hesser, read 
portions of their winning DARE essays.

After being introduced by Sutton, Murphy read to the audience, "As I 
graduate from DARE, I'll always remember everything that was taught to be 
in DARE. The most important things learned from DARE is knowing that if I 
have questions or need help, there is always someone I can talk to. This 
program has made a huge effect on me."

Hesser read, "DARE has made me learn how to make wise decisions. I think it 
is important to be drug-free because it will keep me out of trouble. I've 
learned many things over the last eight weeks that'll stay with me forever."

Officer Mark spoke highly of his time with Mrs. Rook's class.

"It was a great pleasure instructing Mrs. Rook's class," said Mark. "One of 
my best experiences teaching DARE and I couldn't be prouder of this class."

Two graduates of Mark's class, Nicole Braun and Michael Paul Salinas, read 
portions of their essays as well.

Braun said, "Through my eight classes, I've learned to make wise decisions 
now and in the future. Officer Mark has been a great influence in teaching 
us about choices. He taught me about the DARE motto and I'll be drug-free 
and strong."

Salinas read to the audience, "I want to thank Officer Mark for teaching me 
how to make healthy decisions. He taught us how to be a good friend and 
about peer pressure. When I grow up and make my decisions, I'll remember my 
time in DARE."

The graduates lined up to receive their certificates and pins from their 
teachers while Officer Mark handed out stuffed DARE lions to the essay 
award winners.

After the DARE students sang "I will DARE" to those in attendance, 
Principal Dura thanked everyone involved for coming to the ceremony.

Following the ceremony, Mayor Scoda said it was nice to see quite a turnout 
for a DARE graduation.

"For being in the afternoon like this, it's great to see so many parents, 
grandparents, family and friends come out to support these children," he said.

Mrs. McCarthy's class: Connor Allerton, Francis Brunner, Regina Capaldo, 
Samantha Causland, Aislinn Collins, Courtney DeNicola, Matthew Eads, 
Brittany Feulner, Michael Giampietro, Sean Hesser, Mary Kate Kelly, Tracy 
McGuire, Brett Mejasic, Meghan Murphy, Patrick O'Dell, Jordan Smith, Brett 
Sommers, Alexandra Staples, Stephanie Tamburro, Zachary Vaile, Michelle 
Walsh, Harrison Welsh, Mary Wisely and Ryan Yenchick.

Mrs. Rook's class: Steven Bekelja, Nicole Braun, Cory Brock, Joseph Bush, 
Amber Carey, Emily Chang, Christopher Cummings, Tyler Eads, Robert Fenyus, 
Patrick Giampietro, Patrick Hennessey, Joseph Hill, Alexandria Kapusta, 
Megan Kelly, Alyssa Lauritsen, James Lorusso, Meghan Loughery, Kerry 
Milligan, Dominic Pilotti, Christopher Rutkowski, Michael Paul Salinas, 
Conor Staples, Kaelee Stearly, Michelle Stehman, James Tagliaferri and 
Emily Wood.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom