Pubdate: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 Source: Asheville Citizen-Times (NC) Copyright: 2005 Asheville Citizen-Times Contact: Details: Author: Joseph Haley Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: DRUG WAR SHOULD BE HALTED SO REAL CRIME COULD BE TACKLED Asheville Vice Mayor Carl Mumpower evidently does not believe the adage, "Once bitten (Prohibition), twice shy (drug war)." He is fixated on the impossible - preventing drug use. Proof? After nearly a quarter century spending many billions and ruining millions of lives, the result is drugs - easily available - are cheaper and stronger than ever. Mumpower probably isn 't insane, but one definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly - when it has failed repeatedly - and expecting success. The reason for difficulty in stopping drug selling is the phenomenal amount of money involved. Dealers often don't count their gains - simply weighing bundles of cash. The profits also demonstrate why catching "Mr. Big" doesn't help; there are multitudes to replace him. The solution is to remove the money by decriminalizing drugs for adults (like alcohol now). Selling would still be illegal. Sell them at their real cost; opium and coca are cheap to grow and marijuana grows wild. Give them away; the cost would be an infinitesimal percentage of the present expenditures. A win-win situation; crime caused by needing to buy expensive drugs would drop, addicts could be treated more easily and police could concentrate on real concerns - murder, rape, DWI, etc. Joseph Haley Hendersonville - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin